Wayne Thiebaud 7th Grade- Color Theory Elements of Art: Color Principles of Art: Proportion
Wayne Thiebaud Born 1920 - Present (currently 96 years old) American Pop Artist Known as pop artist because he frequently painted objects of mass culture Early cartoonist and teacher Apprentice for Walt Disney Studios and in US Navy Painted out of nostalgia Known for his paintings of food - cakes and pastries reminded him of his childhood
CBS Sunday Morning: Wayne Thiebaud https://www. youtube. com/watch
Cakes 1963 Oil on canvas
Big Suckers 1971 22 x 30 Oil on Canvas
Three Machines 1963 30 x 36.5 Oil on Canvas
Pies, Pies, Pies 1961 20 x 30 Oil on Canvas
Task Choose a treat from the display to draw. Your table will pick from a hat to determine what color scheme you will paint your piece. In your sketchbook, make a small sketch. Use colored pencils to plan what colors will go where, according to your color scheme. Draw your treat full size, outlining and labeling values (1-5) as you go. Trace your full sized drawing onto watercolor paper. Paint your piece according to your color scheme. *REMEMBER* you will need to incorporate tints and shades of colors to correctly depict your choice of food (values 1-5)
Criteria for Success Ask yourself, did you…. Sketch and plan your work? (using colored pencils to plan color scheme) Use the correct colors based on the color scheme you chose? Follow directions and respond to creative criticism? Show excellent craftsmanship? (neatness and attention to detail, no white paper showing etc.)
Learning Objectives Questions: Standards and Objectives: How do artists use different color schemes in paintings? Why does Wayne Theibaud paint cakes/ food? How does color give a mood to a painting? Standards and Objectives: Ability to apply an assn color scheme correctly (2.7) Draw and paint a chosen food/pastry in assigned color scheme by using the value range observed in original (3.4) Mixing of acrylic paint (1.5) Craftsmanship (4.4)