DISSERTATION For Extended Project
What you have to do: A 6000 word independent research dissertation or investigation. A presentation to a non-specialist audience at the end of the process.
What are the individual sections of the dissertation? Activity log/blog – no recommendation Abstract/summary – 200 words Introduction – 800 words Research/review – 1800 words Discussion – 2700 words Conclusion – 500 words Bibliography – no recommendation
What should they include? Abstract/summary: summarise your view point and conclusions reached in the project. This will focus the reader on the purpose, findings and conclusions of the report. The abstract should be considered once the main body of the report has been drafted. Introduction: should have explanation of, and rational for, the project title, an identification of the controversial aspects of the title, and relevant literature/data sources with a discussion of key terms. Based on the work produced for the project proposal. Research review: research needs to be gathered including theories which need to state the key dates, developments and the people involved. They should relate to social context, discussing influences on key figures. Need to comment on reliability of the sources, say whether they are primary/secondary, as well as distinguishing between facts, speculation and subjective opinion. Particular sources will often be biased, and this is something that can be mentioned.
Discussion/analysis: should form a particular argument/hypothesis in relation to their question. Your point of view needs to be stated clearly. Arguments both for and against should be explored, critically evaluated, assessing whether or not the arguments are logically valid. They should be clear and consistent with the use of language, in relation to the key terminology. Conclusion/Evaluation: this needs to be stated clearly, considering how the arguments support your point of view and how the analysis of data does/does not allow or reject the proposed hypothesis. This is a reflective study of the research process so the significance of the results, how ideas have been developed and what you have learnt about the methodology of the research, needs to be established here. Bibliography: consistent reference system for source material (e.g. Harvard referencing). Need to include: the author, where the quotation came from, date of publication, publisher and the full URL link.
Research skills: The core skills you will need to use in the course of your research are: to think logically about arguments which are encountered in personal research. to gather and handle source material critically. to appreciate the importance of precision in the use of language or data when building a case for your point of view. to show sensitivity to counter-arguments or rival theories. to develop skills in presenting the project in a persuasive, cogent fashion. to undertake a reflective study of what has been learned during the course of research or the statistical significance of the results.
Important information: allow a sufficient and suitable degree of research to allow you to feel confident that you can answer your question fully. allow the depth and breadth of study suitable for a Level 3 qualification.