Tal. Shrirampur, Dist. Ahmednagar Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s R. B. Narayanrao Borawake College, Shrirampur, Tal. Shrirampur, Dist. Ahmednagar Dr. G. V. Lokhande Class: F.Y..B.A. Subject : General Psychology (G-1) Topic: Fields of Psychology
Fields of psychology Developmental Psychology: Human growth and development, Life span and development of human, Changes and importance of every life stage, Health, Cognitive development , Physical, mental, social, personality development of human.
Fields of Psychology Social Psychology: Focuses on interpersonal and social behavior, Social loafing, Social influence, Aggregation, Attitude, Prejudice, Attraction, & Rejection, Communication Process and its importance, Group behavior, Attribution, self-and self-concept.
Fields of psychology Clinical and Counseling Psychology: Focuses on Diagnoses and treatment of Abnormal Behavior, Perspectives of abnormal behavior, Study of various abnormal behavior, Interventions programs on various disorder Industrial Psychology: Focuses on job Analysis, Personnel Selection, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Leadership Style, Personnel Trending
Fields of Psychology Educational Psychology: Focus on Teaching-Learning Methods, Memory, learning, attention, Motivation, Emotion, Learning principal, Education and psychology relationship, Intelligence, Thinking and decision making , Personality studied related to teaching-learning process.
Fields of Psychology Health Psychology: Focuses on health behavior, Stress Management, Adjustment, Being Happy, Positive Emotion. Criminal and Forensic Psychology: Focuses on low and human behavior, System of Forensic department.
Fields of Psychology Sport Psychology: Women Psychology: Focuses on impact of others presence on players performance, Audience behavior, importance of sports. Women Psychology: Focuses on women's problem and solutions, Development of women, Health of women, Ref. Psychology: Saundra K. Ciccarelli, Glenn E. Meyer, Girishwar Misra, Pearson Education in South Asia. 2008