A Study of Covenants in the Bible God’s Covenants A Study of Covenants in the Bible
God’s Covenants Definition – Covenant Hebrew Strong’s, in the sense of cutting, a compact: confederacy, covenant, league. BDB, covenant, alliance, pledge Greek Strong’s, a disposition, a contract. Thayer Definition: 1) a disposition, the last disposition which one makes of his earthly possessions after his death, a testament or will 2) a compact, a covenant, a testament
God’s Covenants Gen 2:16-17, God - Adam Gen 8:20-22, God - Noah Gen 9:8-17, Confirming Gen 15:7-18, God - Abraham Land Promise Gen 17:10-14, God - Abraham Circumcision Gen 31, Jacob - Laban Noticed that most of these are Unilateral Covenants. God said… point made later
God’s Covenants Ex 24:3-8, God – Israel Old Testament (Covenant) Jer 34:12-17, Israel Transgressed The land Promise (Covenant) was contingent upon obedience to God; this ultimately fulfilled in heaven? Note: The kingdom promise was contingent as well, but ultimately fulfilled by Jesus.
God’s Covenants Men Enters into Covenants God Establishes Covenants Men are co-equals and negotiate covenants Bilateral Covenant God Establishes Covenants Unilateral Covenants! Men are not on same standing as God Job 38-41, God is creator, who can challenge him! Job 38:4, Job 40:1-2 God establishes Covenants: Commands, instructions, consequences, promises, etc…
A New Covenant A New Covenant Prophesied Jer 31:31-34, Covenant of Forgiveness Ezek 34:20-31, Covenant of Peace Prophesied Zech 9:9-13, Covenant of Salvation The Old Covenant(s) were not everlasting. Notice the theme, the physical transitions to the spiritual
A New Covenant The “Old” Replaced Heb 8:8, found fault, need for a new covenant Heb 8:13, new covenant, old vanish away Heb 9:15, Jesus Mediator of the New Testament Heb 12:24, Jesus Mediator of the New Covenant II Cor 3:6, Paul minister of New Testament Gal 3:17, Covenant Abraham supersedes Covenant to Israel The book of Galatians makes the case for the new covenant; holding to the old has consequences, does not make sense, etc… Notice the Old Covenant includes the covenant of Circumcision! Gal
A New Covenant A Better Covenant Heb 7:22, Jesus made a better Heb 8:6-9, Jesus is the mediator of better Heb 10:14-18, Remission of Sins Heb 12:24, Jesus mediator of new Heb 13:20-21, Blood of Everlasting Covenant Book of Hebrews relates the Old Testament to the New Testament; the New (Jesus) is better in all these ways… study book of Hebrews
A New Covenant Memorial of the Covenant “The Lord’s Supper” Mt 26:28, Jesus Institutes the “Lords Supper” Analogies between Moses and Jesus Much can be said comparing Moses and Jesus. But Jesus was Better (book of Hebrews)
A New Covenant Blood of the New Covenant Mt 26:28, Jesus Institutes the “Lords Supper” I Cor 11:25, Paul Teaching on the Lords Supper Gen 15:7-18, God’s Covenant to Abraham Ex 24:3-8, God’s Covenant to Israel Heb 9:16-21, recounted Jer 34:12-22, Israel failed The dividing and passing between figures keep showing up in these Covenant initiations. Moses divided the blood, one part on God’s Tabernacle, other part on the People.
A New Covenant In Summary God’s New Covenant is Unilateral Job 38-41, God is creator, who can challenge him! Job 38:4, Job 40:1-2 God’s New Covenant is for All Mankind I Tim 2:4, God would have that all men be saved
A New Covenant In Summary God’s Old Covenant(s) have been Replace Heb God’s New Covenant is Better I Tim 2:4, God would have that all men be saved
A New Covenant In Summary God’s New Covenant is Signed in Jesus’ Blood Mt 26:26-28, Lords Supper I Pet 1:18-19, Redeemed with precious blood of Christ Heb 10:29, Of how much sorer punishment… God’s New Covenant Realized Rev 21:1-4, word pictures of Heaven Collateral was Jesus Blood If we are obedient to God’s covenant we have hope of eternal life If we are disobedient to God’s covenant we have to fear eternal judgment