Welcome! February 21th, 2016 Tuesday Do Now Find your seats! If you don’t remember where you sit, ask me. Grab a chromebook and log in. Open your Poetry Portfolio and begin working. No journal today – I want you to have as much time to work on your portfolios as possible
Poetry Portfolio: Goals for Today If you have still not shared your portfolio with me, do so now (lanea@jenningsk12.us) Finish applying your revising techniques to your five chosen poems. Remember to type the original first before your start editing! Write your introduction. Remember to include all discussion points outlined on your assignment sheet (if you lost your copy, there’s a digital one on my website: lanejennings.weebly.com). Write your poetry slam plan. You will have the first half of class to finish your plan and practice on Thursday. After lunch, we’re going to have our slam, so be ready!