Lake George Park Commission Stream Corridor Management Project: Jim Lieberum, CPESC Water Resources Specialist Warren County SWCD
Background The Warren County SWCD was asked to partner with the LGPC to assist with map development. The District has done extensive mapping in various projects, utilizing Geographic information Systems (GIS). The District's involvement is to develop the graphic representation of the Park Commissions guidelines.
What is GIS? GIS = Geographic Information System Uses information to create maps and databases GIS Maps are nothing more than data layers placed on top of one another electronically, GPS = Global Positioning System- Not The Same Thing!
Data Development It was decided by the Lake George Park Commission to use the Lake George Park boundary as draft regulatory area for this project. The Geographic Information System (GIS) stream coverages are developed from existing NYS DEC GIS data. They are graphic representations of the NYS DEC adopted regulated streams. Streams which are found to be blatantly incorrect in their location and extent were corrected by the Warren County SWCD for this project based on the USGS topographic maps.
Data Development For the purposes of this project, lands were divided into two regulatory categories: state land and non-state land. Two example draft buffers are were placed around all streams (on non-state owned lands), which are depicted on the maps in the Lake George Park.
Sample Map
Data The stream buffers widths are being developed by the Commission and will be applied to the maps.
Deliverables These will be the following provided to the Commission at the completion of this project: One large scale index map of the entire watershed Three smaller scale maps, Lake- North, Lake- Mid and Lake- South, will be developed with the agreed upon buffer widths The area will be calculated for non-state land within the buffer The percentage of non-state land that is affected will be calculated The total number of non-state land parcels will be calculated The percentage of non-state land parcels affected in the LG Park will be calculated. A landowner database will be developed for notification purposes
Questions and Contacts If you have any questions regarding the data or creation of the maps, please contact: Jim Lieberum, CPESC Water Resources Specialist Warren County SWCD