2019 INNOVATION ACCELERATOR Presentation Slide Template
Project – From Pitch to Proposal This slide is a reminder of the information your presentation should incorporate. Business Plan Business Opportunity / Business Case Market analysis / Research Stakeholders (Customers / Suppliers / Partners / Collaborators / Sponsors) Implementation Plan The Sale: Investment / Resources / Time / Support Considerations: Safety, Legal, HR, Financial (Does it pass the smell test?)
Project Charter (key project information) Project Name: Project Sponsor: (which senior leader in the system can best help get your project implemented) Project Team members: (List all members o f your current team) Problem Statement: (Very brief description of the problem you are trying to solve) Key Measure of Success: (SMART Goal for your project, how will define success in the end) Scope: (What does this project include, and what does it exclude, assure you focus on just what is needed for the success of this idea)
Our customers are telling us…. Market Analysis What information do you know from your customers / patients? What research did you do?
We have a great solution because… Tell the Story Use as many slides as needed to tell your story, but remember, your only have 5 minutes. Make sure you include: The context and environment of the current situation Why your innovation / intervention / idea will make an impact and, therefore, should be implemented What the results / benefits / outcomes will be once your idea is implemented
This idea wil work because… Implementation Resources needed Location / area Implementation timeline Explain HOW your idea will be implemented and what is needed to make it successful
ImplementationTeam Information Team Member Role Name Team Leader Other Key Stakeholders * List your current team members for this presentation
We have checked the boxes We have verified with… We have checked the boxes HR Potential barriers: - OR - Green Light Legal Patient Safety Potential barriers: - OR - Green Light Finance Make sure you have cleared your idea with these groups. Explain if there are any concerns.
The financial justification is… This is an active Excel file. DoubleClick within a cell to activate. Detailed instructions are on the handout.
Summary Summary Closing Thoughts / Comments And in Conclusion… Make sure to wrap up your presentation with a summary so the judges understand how implementing your idea will make CoxHealth better.