Tuesday 8 th February all of the sports ambassadors went on a school trip to the Olympic park and was very interesting! A lady came in to teach us all about the park and tell us where all the stadiums were.
The stadium can take over 80,000 people during the games. It is the lightest stadium ever built. The fourteen lighting towers are needed because this the first Olympic Games with HD TV coverage that will be essential to capture the action with no shadows. Part of the supporting structure of the roof is formed from 2,500 tonnes of steel tubing that was actually recycled from old gas pipelines.
Aquatic (swimming) The steel used to build the Aquatics centre comes from Newport in Wales. The wave shaped roof on the Aquatics Centre measures 12,000 square metres which is one and a half times bigger than Wembley football pitch. The amount of material that had to be excavated to build the Aquatics centre was the equivalent of 160,000 tonnes of soil. Vendome (cycling) The Vendome is one of the most sustainable venues in the Olympic Park. The lightweight roof weighs roughly half that of any other covered Vendome, helping create a highly-efficient building. The Vendome Cable – net roof is made from 17 km of steel cables. Thats over 10 miles of steel cable! The designers and builders of the London 2012 Vendome are aiming for it to be the fastest indoor cycling track in the world.
There are many other stadiums like the BMX circuit, basket ball arena, hockey centre and the water pool arena in the Olympic but the Olympic, aquatic and vendome stadiums are the most important. aquatics centre Vendome stadium