A shower a day Health Grade7
Why? Germs live in dirt, sweat and on a warm body that is not clean When you play; sweat and dirt collect on your body Sweat, dirt and oils can build up on your body even if you haven’t been physically active Why?
As you get older your body will begin to produce different odors It is important to start using deodorant to keep smelling clean throughout the day Shower every day
What about your clothes It is important to change into clean clothing daily If not you are carrying around extra baggage Fabric contains 10 000 germs per square centimetre are being carried or worn for just one day What about your clothes
Answer three questions Answer the following three questions related to information given in this presentation: 1. Name 3 things you remove from your body when you take a shower. 2. Give two reasons why it is important to use deodorant. 3. Give two reasons why it is important to remove germs from your body when taking a shower. Answer three questions