The First Screening by the Embassy of Japan in Palau Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO:MEXT) Scholarship for 2019 (Teacher Training Program) (See “5. SELECTION, Page. 4, in the Application Guidelines”) 1. Application procedure Embassy will conduct an application form screening based on the submitted application forms. Applicants must submit the required documents to the Embassy of Japan by the date below (The deadline must be met strictly). Please note the submitted documents will not be returned. (1) Application Deadline: 4:30pm, Friday, February 8, 2019 (2) Place: Embassy of Japan office at Ngerkebesang (3) Documents to be submitted: Please refer to the guideline. ※ Notification of the outcome of the application forms screening: Results of the Application Forms Screening will be notified by email by Tuesday, February 12, 2019. The successful applicants of the application forms screening will be invited to a placement test and interview scheduled on the following date. 2. Placement tests and Interview The Embassy of Japan will carry out placement tests and an interview, with the schedule below: (1) Placement tests ① Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 from 9:00am to 12:20pm ② Subject: English: 9:00am-10:00am Japanese: 10:20am-12:20pm ③ Place: Embassy of Japan multi-purpose room (2) Interview ① Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm *Applicants will be informed of the time details at the beginning of the written examination. ② Place: Embassy of Japan multi-purpose room ※ Notification of the results of placement tests and interview Results of placement tests and interview will be notified by email by Monday, March 11, 2019. Successful applicants of the first screening will be recommended by Embassy of Japan to MEXT for the second screening. 3. Second screening and Placement of university MEXT will carry out the second (final) screening of applicants based on the result of the first screening conducted by the Embassy of Japan and select recipients of the scholarship. Applicants who have passed the first screening conducted by the Embassy of Japan are not necessarily accepted as MEXT scholarship grantees. Applicants who were not accepted by any universities which the applicants named in their Placement Preference Form, will not be selected as MEXT scholarship grantees. ※ Notification of the results of Secondary selection Results of the second screening will be notified by email at the end of May.