Dr. George’s 9th Lit. Agenda 4/8/2019 – 4/12/2019
Essential Questions for the week… How can context contribute to the understanding of a novel? How does a key scene from a novel contribute to the work as a whole?
REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH Monday 4/8/19 Warm-up WELCOME BACK! Now that our last break before summer is over, it is time to reflect on your progress in class. What are your goals for the remainder of the semester? What do you need to improve on? What is your plan for achieving these goals? REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH
Monday 4/8/2019 Agenda Learning Targets: 1) I can determine a theme and explain its development throughout the text using specific details. 2) I can identify and analyze complex characters. TKAM PART 1 TEST: Complete the 9th TKAM test using your book and a dictionary as resources. DO NOT DO THE SHORT ANSWER PORTION. TKAM Chapter 15 Reading: We will continue reading TKAM by following along with the “Sydthekid” audio. Work with your group to complete TKAM Questions set 2.
Tech Tuesday 4/9/2019 (no warm-up) TKAM Chapter 15 Reading: We will continue reading TKAM by following along with the online audio version. Answer the questions for chapter 15 as we read. Character Comparison CEI: Read the “Occurrence in Scottsboro, Alabama” and follow the directions to compare Haywood Patterson’s experience with Tom Robinson’s in chapter 15. Your written response should be in CEI format. Write the response on the lines provided and then type a final draft on the computer (submit on Edmodo).
REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH Wednesday 4/10/19 Warm-up Describe Jem and Scout’s experience at Calpurnia’s church in Chapter 14. What did Scout learn about Calpurnia? REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH
Learning Targets: 1) I can determine a theme and explain its development throughout the text using specific details. 2) I can identify and analyze complex characters. Wednesday 4/10/2019 TKAM Chapter 16 Reading: We will continue reading TKAM by following along with the online audio version. Answer the questions for chapter 16 and continue your character chart as we read. TKAM Chapter 17 Reading: We will continue reading TKAM by following along with the online audio version. Answer the questions for chapter 17 and continue your character chart as we read.
REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH Thursday 4/11/19 Warm-up Describe the events of the trial so far. What do Heck Tate and Bob Ewell’s testimonies suggest so far? REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH
Learning Targets: 1) I can determine a theme and explain its development throughout the text using specific details. 2) I can identify and analyze complex characters. Friday 4/12/2019 TKAM Chapter 18 Reading: We will continue reading TKAM by following along with the online audio version. Answer the questions for chapter 18 and continue your character chart as we read and after we have finished reading. Part 2 Packet: CHAPTER 12-18 SHEETS ARE DUE TODAY! Take this time to complete any questions you have missed. TKAM Viewing (if time): We will continue viewing the TKAM viewing up to the trial.
REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH Friday 4/12/19 Warm-up Based on the testimonies you have heard so far, make a prediction about Tom Robinson’s fate. Do you think he is guilty or innocent? REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH
Lit. Terms you may not know… Malaproprism - the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar- sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing Euphemism - a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing. Idiom - a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words Archaic words - These words are no longer in everyday use or have lost a particular meaning in current usage but are sometimes used to impart an old-fashioned flavor to historical novels, for example, or in standard conversation or writing just for a humorous effect.
This week’s standards… ELAGSE9-10SL4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically (using appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation) such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning. ELAGSE9-10RL3: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. ELAGSE9-10RL5: Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it and manipulate time create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise. ELAGSE9-10W3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. ELAGSE9-10W9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. CCRS L.9-10.6: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words. CCRS L.0-10.5b: Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations.
Unit Assessments… Formative TKAM PPT Summative TKAM CEI