Averill Park Central School District Budget for
Who are we in AP? 3447 Students 2263 Families 8844 taxable parcels 7 schools 140 square miles, 73 buses on the road, 1 million miles traveled per year Academically Successful 700 Employees It is about kids!
97% Student Attendance 3% Student Suspensions 3% Drop-Out Rate 1% GED 93% Graduation Rate (Local + Regents) 85% Post-Secondary Education
Who is similar within the Capital Region? Type of District – Central School District Needs Index – A district with Average needs/resources ratio Enrollment – students Rural/Suburban - Community
Comparison Schools Averill Park Scotia Glenville Burnt Hills South Glens Falls East Greenbush Mohonasen Ballston Spa Queensbury
Who are we Financially?
Suburban Average needs Low free/reduced Lunch Population Fewer families below poverty
Financial Rank Our taxes per $300,000 house =$4878 Range for 8 comparable schools ($5,503 - $4001) Lower taxes than all but Mohonasen & Queensbury Expenditure per pupil is $6784 less per pupil than East Greenbush $7,719 and 4 others more per pupil than Queensbury $6,453 and Mohon $6,502
Whats the bottom line? The budget to budget spending increase is $552,603 or 1.03% (without debt service) The anticipated tax levy increase is $418,809 or 1.73%
Major Cost Reductions Will not replace 9 teachers Reduced summer school Reduced professional development Reduced supplies and materials Provide in-house vocational programs to better serve students and reduce cost Reduced energy use district-wide and avoided spending $1 million over 3 years Move some special education expense from general fund to federal fund as a result of stimulus aid**
**Federal Stimulus** IDEA funds $418,958 for 2009 with Total of $837,916 over 2 years Must adhere to IDEA rules regarding supplement and supplant Title I increase of $1600 State deficit reduction assessment of $1.9 million not included Access to Employee Accrued Liability Reserve NOT granted
Major Financial Impacts AP is biggest employer in the area Loss of state operating aid ($57,490) Increase in Federal Funds through stimulus $418,958 Reduce general fund expense budget and increase federal fund budget Total personnel cost increase of $303, % Benefits cost increase of $503, %
Board Adoption RESOLVED, to approve the proposed school district budget in the amount of $_________ for the school year, for presentation to the residents of the Averill Park Central School District at the Budget Hearing on May 12, 2009, and for vote of the qualified residents of said school district on May 19, 2009 Budget amount proposed as described here is $55,950,456
Adoption The Board adopted the proposed expense budget of $55,950,456. They also chose to add fund balance to offset the proposed tax levy increase. Thus the levy will not increase from to