European Commission, DG Environment, Marine Unit Ad Hoc preparatory meeting for the establishment of a Project Coordination Group (PCG) for the implementation of the MSFD European Commission, DG Environment, Marine Unit © iStockphoto
09:30 – 13:00 Joint session Scope and aim of the coordination exercise Relationship with the MSCG (Marine Strategy Coordination Group) and draft terms of references of the Project Coordination Group 11h: Coffee break Short presentation of content/state of advancement of the projects to be coordinated Framework contract for services related to coordination between the different marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approach 13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break 14:30 – 16:30 Session Commission – Member States - Room C Short presentation of content/state of advancement of the projects to be coordinated (continuation) Support for the development of methodological standards in relation to good environmental status of the seas under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Emerging pressures, human activities and measures in the marine environment (including marine litter) 14:30 – 16:30 Session Commission – RSC Secretariats - Room BU/9 5-48 Other ways of strengthening coordination between RSCs and with the Commission for MSFD implementation. 16:30 – 17:30 Joint session A.O.B including decisions on next steps and meetings
Project Coordination Group Scope and aim of the coordination exercise Promote the efficient use of EU funding possibilities to support MSFD implementation in particular those funds available under the Integrated Maritime Policy Programme. What are your views on the scope? Action 1: Coordination Action 2: GES Action 3: Pressures Other projects Project Coordination Group
Relationship with the MSCG Draft information note for the MSCG draft, incl. recommendations Project Coordination Group Feedback MSCG Considers the information note Information note published on CIRCA/ Europa RSCs invited to share w/ contracting parties
Draft Terms of Reference Mandate Composition Key activities Operation
Project presentation Coordination between the different marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approach Methodological standards in relation to GES Framework contract for services related to marine litter, underwater noise, NIS and other emerging pressures under the MSFD
Coordination between the different marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approach Objectives: To support the coherence of the implementation of the MSFD within and among marine regions and ensure consistency with the legal obligations under EU legislation and international agreements Assist the Commission with the report under Article 12 of the MSFD and the RSCs in the preparation of inputs for the next stages of implementation, in particular as regards the monitoring programmes and the programme of measures Provide feedback from the work of the RSCs as regards the need for further action at EU level in order to ensure consistency and complementarity with all relevant EU policies
Specific objectives Assess coherence at different stages of MSFD implementation, and make recommendations on specific activities/tools to improve coordination, Support RSCs in further developing coherent and comparable approaches, promoting best practices , Intensify information exchange between EU and RSCs, Organise events dedicated to collaboration.
Illustrative tasks : Systematic assessement of approaches and results on setting GES and environmental targets within the Baltic Sea Organise an exchange of best practice between different regions on descriptor 5 (Eutrophication) Develop a concept and a workplan on streamlining reporting and data management Organise a European Maritime Conference in 2013/14
Support for the development of methodological standards in relation to good environmental status of the seas under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Objectives: To support in the implementation of the MSFD and the further development of criteria and methodological standards for monitoring and assessment of GES Analysis and review of current methods used Identification of best practices at European, regional, national, or local level, including the assessment of their effectiveness and their coherence In an interactive way by technical meetings and workshops, consultation with Member States, the RSC, involvement of stakeholders and of the scientific community
Specific objectives: Review of methodological standards for data collection, sampling design and assessment relating to the state of the marine environment and the pressures and impacts upon it Identification of gaps in the suite of methods, and recommendations on a coherent and integrated set of methods for assessment and monitoring to be used by Member States Provision of scientific and technical input to a coordinated and integrated assessment of good environmental status Monitoring and management of data and information, provision of scientific and technical input to the reporting platform for the marine environment under MSFD (WISE-Marine), development and maintenance of databases
Illustrative tasks: Review of methodological standards, for monitoring and assessment of concentrations of contaminants (Descriptor 8) Identification of gaps and suggestions for coherent methods for the elements of marine food webs (Descriptor 4) Scientific and technical input for further determination of GES in relation to permanent alterations of hydrographical conditions (Descriptor 7)
Emerging pressures, human activities and measures in the marine environment (including marine litter) Objectives: To address the emerging pressures and human activities and related measures in the marine environment To inform and assist MSs in the preparation of their national preparation of the programme of measures to achieve or maintain GES as provided for by Article 13 of the MSFD
Specific objectives Analyse and assess emerging pressures and emerging human activities in the marine environment Identify possible cost-effective measures and analyse their socio-economic impacts and benefits Provide administrative, organisational and logistic support
Illustrative tasks Expanding information network for non-indigenous species Establish a baseline and options for reduction targets for marine litter Administrative, logistic and organisational support for the TSG Marine litter and Underwater noise You can mention a few examples from the technical specifications
AOB Next Steps? Next meeting? THANK YOU !