No. 164: Quality Assurance and Effectiveness in Hospitals: Rossana Rivas, Peru - Senior Advisor WHO Collaborating Center for Health Technology Management Technical Services Partnership, University of Vermont Training Program: Ministry of Health Participants: Hospital engineers, Electronic engineers, Architects. Title: Healthcare technology planning & management Medical devices overview Basic biomedical equipment Surgery devices Imaging systems Laboratory equipment Infrastructure requirements Technology planning New Technology Assessment Technology Replacement Planning Technology Budgeting Technology Acquisition and Deployment Compliance with Standards and Accreditation Patient safety Setting up a Health Technology Department Inventory definition and physical audit Maintenance assessment and options Medical equipment technical services plan Preventative and corrective maintenance Clinical engineering consultation Resources Staffing Test and repair equipment Computerized medical equipment management system Space requirements Training requirements Poster #: 164 Session name: POS2 Day: Friday 14 December 2018 No. 164: Quality Assurance and Effectiveness in Hospitals: Strategic actions in Peru Conclusions The use of information and communication technologies for health and health technology health systems in Peru is increasing, also the promotion of the creation of multidisciplinary teams throughout the country; the training program is consistent to the process and the results expected. Health professional teams will improve the quality of outputs at health services: management, effectiveness, quality assurance whether preventive or corrective. The program contribute to improve the results expected of the health technology public investments. References Peruvian MoH, Social Security System of Peru, Comptroller General Office of Peru, Sciences, Technology & Innovation Council of Peru, Virtual Course for the Americas: Healthcare Technology Planning and Management Over the Life Cycle J. Tobey Clark, USA - Director WHO Collaborating Center for Health Technology Management Technical Services Partnership, University of Vermont Project Goal: To build capacity in the areas of health technology (HT) planning and management for the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Peru and to provide training for auditors of the HT program in MoH hospitals. Objectives: To provide participants with the basic knowledge of the guiding principles of Health Technology Management and Planning to improve the Quality of Health Technology. Strengthening and development Health Technology Quality Assurance and Effectiveness management, planning and control outputs at public health organizations. Development of Management, Planning and Health Technology Planning and Assessment skills and capacities aimed to multidisciplinary teams. Contribute to improve the assessment and control of health technology public costs. Methodology: Class room sessions are complemented with virtual learning: webinars and online course platform use. Participants will receive PDFs of the presentations that include text, pictures, diagrams, flow charts, figures, and other specially designed for the course. Training Program: Comptrollers Office Participants: physicians, hospital engineers, electronic engineers, architects and physicians. Title: Health Technology Audit Course Health technology planning & management overview Medical devices overview Health Technology Maintenance and Quality Assurance Computerized Medical Equipment Management Systems Patient safety Medical technology compliance with Standards and Accreditation International standards Peruvian regulations Accreditation requirements from Joint Commission International Survey process Pre-survey data gathering Survey opening meetings Review of results Report development The presenters declare no conflict of interest with the materials provided. Disclaimer: The presentation of this material does not imply any endorsement or recommendation by WHO. WHO disclaims any and all liability and responsibility whatsoever for any injury, death, loss, damage, use of personal data, or other prejudice of any kind whatsoever that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the procurement, distribution and/or use of any technology presented in the 4th WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices.