The Classroom Chronicle Important Dates Aug. 16: Marcos Pizza Night Aug. 22: 60% day. Students dismiss at 11:40 August 29: Picture Day!! Sept 3- Labor Day (No School) Sept 12- Fees are Due- $23.00 Connections $10.00 A Peek at Our Week Reading: We are reading a Kevin Henkes unit! Writing: Personal Narratives Math: we are diving into Ready Math. This is a completely new curriculum for us so there will be a learning curve! Social Studies: We will start focusing on Communities. Please keep an eye out for some papers coming home regarding a project that will be due soon! Spelling: Will NOT be tested for the first few weeks. We will be getting used to the test format. Reminders *Please send a healthy snack to school daily with your child. *write names inside of jackets, book bags and lunch boxes. WISH LIST: AA and AAA Batteries! Ways to Help Your Child at Home Read every night for at least 20 minutes Practice addition facts for is accessable at home Reach Mrs. Skinner at