Doctoral Students’ Section of the Student Union (OYY) Webpage: Facebook page: Facebook group: UniOGS - PhD students, Oulu University Doctoral Students’ Section of the Student Union (OYY) Head: Marian Tumanyan If someone wants info about the Section, please direct them to these communication channels!
Content What is the DSS? What is our goal? Who do we represent? How do we represent them? Meetings Representatives Action plan for 2019 Questions and comments
What is the DSS? The voice of doctoral students Represents doctoral students in University administration through nominated student representatives The organization to contact when doctoral students need someone to speak up for them or when a stakeholder wants to know about Doctoral Students
What is the DSS? The community of doctoral students Offers networking, news and events for all doctoral students across disciplinary boarders Offers opportunities for all doctoral students to influence their study experience
What is the DSS? Founded in 2013 as a section under the Student Union (OYY) Idea came from UniOGS and students themselves Student unions are the official representatives of students, dictated by Finnish law and University bylaws Other doctoral student associations in Finland are independent organizations. Our collaboration with OYY gives us access to their networks (university administration, student societies, city of Oulu) and other resources (e.g. specialists, facilities)
What is our goal? To improve the quality of doctoral studies in the University of Oulu To make sure that all doctoral students are treated fairly and equally. To bring together the interdisciplinary community of doctoral students in the University of Oulu
The DSS… Proactively advocates doctoral students’ interests and well-being Promotes doctoral students’ awareness of their rights and their ways of influencing University decision-making Watches over University decision-making and doctoral training practices Fosters a sense of belonging and unity among doctoral students
Who do we represent? About 1219 doctoral students Different profiles, different individual needs, variety of backgrounds.
How do we represent them? Monthly meetings and active communication channels Collaboration among student representatives in University administration Collaboration with other stakeholders Events
Meetings DSS meetings are held each month In each meeting we will discuss News from student representatives Other issues concerning doctoral students … and decide what actions to take. Your participation is critical since it will allow us to represent students better Meetings in English. Skype-available. Meeting materials:
Representatives UniOGS Management Group (1 member + 1 deputy member, always the chair and the vice chair of the DSS) Doctoral Training Committees (8+8) Health and Biosciences (2+2) Human Sciences (2+2) Technology and Natural Sciences (2+2) Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (2+2) Research Council (1) + representation in other organs (e.g. Education Council, Faculty Boards) through OYY
Representatives Are responsible and active members of the administrative organ they have been selected for. Vice members attend meetings if ”primary” members are not available Are responsible and active participants in the activities of the DSS Attend the DSS meetings (also deputies) Keep their eyes and ears open, share their concerns and ideas.
Action plan ideas for 2019 Supporting PhD work & getting things done Mini-conference of sharing good practices with others Productivity boost tank Information sessions. E.g. meeting with a psychologist
Action plan ideas for 2019 Social networking & relaxing PhD afterworks Researchers’ lunch Sport events
Questions and comments?
Thank you Contact me: marian. tumanyan@oulu Thank you Contact me: Join us in FB UniOGS-PhD students, Oulu University