Assemblies Date Year/House Theme Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday S1 Assembly Ambition Tuesday S2 Assembly Wednesday S3 Assembly Thursday S4 Assembly Colours reminder Friday S5/6 Assembly
Featured Focus Scottishness
Inter House Competition Competition was again very close this week but the results are different. We had Schaw House in first place with 13 points, Erskine in second place with 12 points and Bruce in third place with 11 points. 1B1 and 1S1 topped the weekly co-operation list and 4B2 had the highest number of excellent co- operation merits.
New Inter -House Scores Bruce 336 Erskine 258 Schaw 263
Modern Languages Word of The Week GERMAN sturmfrei – to have the house to yourself when your parents are away (an empty) Meine Eltern sind weg; ich habe sturmfrei
Modern Languages Word of The Week FRENCH Devenir chêvre - literally means to become a goat We would say – to be driven mad F R E N C H
Modern Languages Word of The Week SPANISH Me pica el bagre – literally means the catfish is biting me We would say – I’m very hungry or I could eat a horse! F R E N C H
WORLD WETLAND DAY – Next Thursday Any S3 pupils wishing to spend a day learning outdoors please see Mrs D’Arcy as soon as possible.
There will be a meeting today, at lunchtime in the Conference Room from 12.40 pm – 1.10 pm for all three Young Enterprise groups. The meeting will discuss the final report and will share information about the Strathclyde Business School exam.
Scottish Parliament visit A group of S4 students travelled by train to Edinburgh to visit the Scottish Parliament as part of the Modern Studies course. The debating chamber appears to have been the most impressive part as far as the students were concerned.
Pupils with Keith Brown
Pupil Council The Pupil Council meeting for the Broad General Education took place last Monday. Topics discussed included PE uniform, Inter-House events and after school discos. The Senior Phase Pupil Council will take place Monday, period 6
As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week, GTG Training is holding an Apprentice Recruitment Open Day on Friday 10th March 2017 from 10am until 3pm. We would like to invite you to attend our showcase of Modern Apprenticeship opportunities, giving pupils an insight into careers in Mechanics, Vehicle Body Repair, Vehicle Spray Paint, Vehicle Parts, Business Administration, Customer Service, Alarm and Garage Engineering. This is a fantastic opportunity to view our leading-edge training facilities, meet current apprentices and speak with various companies that employ apprentices and find out more about what they have to offer. Our apprenticeship programmes offer people aged 16 and over a way to earn while they learn, as they work towards a recognised qualification, skilled employment and greater career prospects. Please note: This event is free of charge and targeted at people aged 16+ with National Grade 4/5, Standard Grades and Intermediates are also accepted (already achieved or currently studying at this level). To reserve your space or obtain further information please contact: Stephanie Mills Tel: 0141 950 5600
YPI Semi-Finals for Strathcarron