Characteristics of AtSPO11-1–Dependent sRNAs.


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Characteristics of AtSPO11-1–Dependent sRNAs. Characteristics of AtSPO11-1–Dependent sRNAs. (A) Seventy percent of the meiocyte sRNAs are AtSPO11-1–dependent (orange and yellow). (B) AtSPO11-1–dependent sRNA clusters are significantly shorter than the AtSPO11-1–independent and meiocyte clusters (**P value < 0.01). Student’s t test was used to compare the length of AtSPO11-1–dependent (green bars), AtSPO11-1–independent (red bars) and meiocyte (gray bar) sRNA clusters (P value < 2.2e-16). (C) AtSPO11-1–dependent sRNA clusters have significantly lower sRNA abundance than AtSPO11-1–independent clusters (**P value < 0.01). Student’s t test was used to compare RPM of AtSPO11-1–dependent (green bars) and AtSPO11-1–independent (red bars) and meiocyte (gray bar) sRNA clusters (P value < 2.2e-16). (D) The distribution of the eight different sRNA groups between arms (black) and centromeric regions (white). (E) The distribution of the eight different sRNA groups among genomic features. (F) Approximately 36% of the sRNAs in leaves are associated with hyper-DMRs in a CHH context. (G) Approximately 46% of the meiocyte sRNA-associated hyper-DMRs in a CHH context are associated with ms-sRNAs. (H) Only 16% of the meiocyte sRNA-associated hyper-DMRs in a CHH context are associated with AtSPO11-1–dependent sRNAs. Jiyue Huang et al. Plant Cell 2019;31:444-464 ©2019 by American Society of Plant Biologists