Data Collection Module (DCM) (review, fabrication plan & chain test) DCM team Cheng-Yi Chi ( DCM, TOF FEE, BB FEE) Jamie Nagle (DCM) Bill Sippach (DCM, TOF FEE, BB FEE) Herb Cunitz (DCM, TOF FEE, BB FEE) Li Zhang (DCM, TOF FEE, BB FEE) June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
DCM Functions Zero-suppress FEM data Receive Level-1 trigger primitives Apply calibration constants Error and alignment checking / handling Re-format data to the Event Builder Data Monitoring / Histogramming / Calibration First Stage of the event building Generating higher level trigger primitives Provide FEM data buffer June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
DCM Block Diagram June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
DCM Crate June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
Data Collection Module (DCM) VME64X Backplane Zero-Suppression Daughter Card LVL-1 Input Fiber Connection SHARC DSP 9-15-97 C.Y. Chi, J.L. Nagle Columbia University Data Flow through DCM June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
Data Collection Module Heat Transfer Plate VME 64X Handler SHARC DSP Zero Suppression Daughter card June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
includes VME block read buffer Partitioner Data flow control FPGA includes VME block read buffer ALTERA EPF10K40 FIFO’s Event Data flow To sub-event buffer Busy From L1 L1 Primitives June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
DCM Final Design Review Final design Review (Jan. 29 1998) (John Haggerty, Glenn Young, Chris Witzig, Paul Stankus, Edmond Desmond, Seymour Rankowitz) Important actions from FDR additional few pull-down resistors added on to token-passing timing/control lines on DCM (fixed problems for the first modules in the token chain) 5th DSP on the DCM module will be 4 Mbits version of SHARC DSP, instead of 2 Mbits version (as requested by DCM team) June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
Timing-FEM-DCM chain test February 1998 TOF - DCM chain test (in Nevis) April 1998 GTM-DC FEM-DCM GTM-PC FEM-DCM Chain Test. (~ 2 Days effort) Julia Velkovska, Tom Hemmick, Chuck Pancake (Stony Brook), Jamie Nagle (Nevis) Joe Mead, Simon Durant (BNL) (Timing, ONCS) Melissa Smith (ORNL) Problems Found DCM daughter card, Diode direction was reversed (frequency lock) On GTM, reset had to be put in for initial GLINK fill frame transmission June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
DCM Status DCM compressor daughter cards are done DCM main board is done (waiting for chain test with Partitioner card & backplane) DCM Partitioner card testing is 80% done Remaining goal is a chain test between the sub-event buffer and Partitioner June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi
DCM Fabrication Plan Parts Order started at End of March. 90% of parts on hand now (including all DSP’s & Optical Transceivers) Fabricating compressor daughter card PC boards P.O. for daughter card assembler placed Start DCM main board fabrication process later this month We have two complete test stands at Nevis Third one will be placed in PHENIX counting house ASAP Project completion date before End of Year June 10, 98 FEE Review Cheng-Yi Chi