Abbildung mod. nach Van Pareren, 2004 1 mg/m2/2d 1 mg/m2/2d 2mg/2md/2d 2mg/2md/2d Mean of Dutch population Mean of Dutch population Block-design s-score Block-design s-score Time from start of GH Therapy (yrs) Time from start of GH Therapy (yrs) Block-design s-score for both GH groups during GH treatment, corrected for gender and age at start. Significant increase from start:*, P<0.001. Estimated total IQ s-score for both GH groups during GH treatment, corrected for gender and age at start. Significant increase from start: *, P<0.001. 1 mg/m2/2d 1 mg/m2/2d 2mg/2md/2d 2mg/2md/2d Vocabulary s-scores Mean of Dutch population Vocabulary s-scores Mean of Dutch population Time from start of GH Therapy (yrs) Time from start of GH Therapy (yrs) Vocabulary s-score for both GH groups during GH treatment, corrected for gender and age at start. Internalizing Problem Behaviour SD score for both GH groups during GH treatment, corrected for gender and age at start. Abbildung mod. nach Van Pareren, 2004
A B Externalising SD-score Externalising SD-score Time from start of GH Therapy (yrs) Time from start of GH Therapy (yrs) C A Externalising Problem Behaviour SD score for both GH groups during GH treatment, corrected for gender and age at start. Significant decrease from start; *, P<0.01 B Self-perception total HSPP SD score for both GH groups during GH treatment, corrected for gender and age at start. Significant increase from start: *, P<0.001 C Total Problem Behaviour SD score for both GH groups during GH treat- ment, corrected for gender and age at start. Significant decrease from start; *, P<0.05 Total Problem Behaviour SD-score Time from start of GH Therapy (yrs) Abbildung mod. nach Van Pareren, 2004