ETSI work with EY for HENs under M/536 ERMTGSRR(19)038011 Source: ETSI Secretariat For: Information ETSI work with EY for HENs under M/536 Changes to ETSI work programme
REFERENCES [1] ETSI Directives: RoP, Article 13 - Elaboration of European Standards (EN or HS) TWP, clause 2.2 – Approval procedures (in particular, clause 2.2.1 and 2.2.2) [2] Final minutes of the Workshop DG GROW-ESOs on 6th December 2018, CONTRIBUTIONS/2019//OCGREDEMCD(19)071008_Final_minutes_of_the_Workshop_D ERMTG28(18)051023r1
Three possible stages of work between ETSI and EY ETSI WORK PROGRAMME MILESTONES ETSI 3 possible interactions with EY HAS guidelines provide that there are 3 possible assessments : 5V and 5Vr #1 first assessment (mature draft) before TB approval Committee Draft (CD) before TB approval 7V and 7Vr [it will replace 8V and 8Vr] #2 second assessment draft for TB approval and before ENAP Before Public Enquiry (ENQ) 9V and 9Vr #3 possible third assessment in case of comments during ENAP Before Formal Vote (FV) NOTE: EY can perform only maximum one assessment at each stage ETSI/GA(18)nn_XXX
#1 ETSI and EY: request for the first assessment (mature draft) before TB approval Stakeholders define when the draft HEN reaches level of maturity to be assessed by EY. IMPORTANT !: It is imperative to complete the HEN checklist in document OCGREDEMCD(18)068016 before sending request to EY. HEN checklist shall be uploaded together with the draft ready for the first assessment NOTE: justifications for possible missing/alternative/non-chosen Receiver parameters … are in line with the recent Commission Communication on Standardisation. …justifications to be made available to all stakeholders (e.g. in a dedicated report or in an informative Annex).[2] IMPORTANT !: NO TB APPROVAL possible without EY assessment (see [1]) ERMTG28(18)051023r1
#1 ETSI and EY: request for the first assessment (mature draft) before TB approval ETSI Secretariat sends request to EY for the first assessment (mature draft) before TB approval. Request for the first assessment (mature draft) before TB approval is shown in ETSI as status 5V. Example is given in document BRAN(19)101003 The assessment can take approximately 35 days Once the result of the first assessment is communicated to ETSI, ETSI Secretariat makes it available for members. This is status 5Vr in ETSI work programme. Example is given in document BRAN(19)101024 ETSI/GA(18)nn_XXX
#1 ETSI and EY: Results of the first assessment (mature draft) before TB approval Request for assessment of draft HEN (5V) “Compliant” assessment: ETSI TBs continue to approval for ENAP No need for 2nd assessment (7V) “Lack of compliance” assessment: Resolution meeting of EY comments * Preparation of the draft for 2nd assessment (7V) * HAS Consultants are available for virtual meetings to discuss the details of their assessments and outstanding issues, as well as to confirm whether their comments were adequately understood and addressed. If the meeting only require a virtual meeting (phone call, Skype, Go-To-Meeting, etc) of less than 4 hours, ETSI TB can start the dialogue directly with the consultant. In all other cases ETSI Secretariat and TB chairman shall complete a special form and send it to EY. ETSI/GA(18)nn_XXX
#2 ETSI and EY: request for the second assessment (mature draft) before TB approval In case when comments received from the first EY assessment and after their resolution, ETSI Secretariat sends request to EY for the second assessment of draft for TB approval and before ENAP. Request for the second assessment of draft for TB approval and before ENAP is shown in ETSI as status 7V. The assessment can take up to 35 days Once the result of the second assessment is communicated to ETSI, ETSI Secretariat makes it available for members. This is status 7Vr in ETSI work programme. ERMTG28(18)051023r1
#3 ETSI and EY: possible request for the third assessment of draft HEN after ENAP (with comments from NSOs) In case when draft HEN receives comments during ENAP and resolution meeting is needed [1], there will also be a need for another assessment by EY consultant. ETSI introduced status 9V and 9Vr. The assessment can take up to 35 days. 9V – ETSI Secretariat requests EY an assessment together with the resolution meeting report of NSOs comments 9Vr – ETSI Secretariat communicates to results of the EY assessment to ETSI TB ERMTG28(18)051023r1
Assessment results vs. EC's later publication decisions EC does not have to follow the recommendations of the Consultant, but if they do: “Compliant” recommends that it is suitable for listing “Lack of compliance” recommends that it is not suitable for listing ETSI can challenge the assessment report (but would need grounds to do so, and would need to supply evidence) ERMTG28(18)051023r1
ETSI Secretariat contacts Choose your relevant Secretariat staff to contact ERMTG28(18)051023r1