WG C-1 activity Berlin – 3 May 2007 European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water and Marine
Working Group C & Links Planning 1st semester 2007 STRATEGIC CO-ORDINATION GROUP PLENARY WG C CHAIR: COM CO-CHAIR: AT WFD & Agriculture Expert group Water scarcity Expert group Programme of Measures Lead: ??? Co-lead: ??? Compliance & Trends Lead: AT Co-lead: UK + FR + EG Risk Assessment Lead: AT Co-lead: Nicole + Dechema Finalising “prevent/limit” guidance Exchanges of best practices Integrated groundwater management “Status & trend” guidance Agreement on common meth. Testing Accompanying TV establishment Harmonisation of risk assessments Identification of gaps and needs Principle: Three core activities with specific groups (to be formed) exchanging by e-mails and meeting if needed to discuss technical features. Outputs reported to Plenary meetings Organised twice per year in the EU Presidency country
Working Group C (2007-2009) Groundwater in the CIS Activity WGC-1 (Programme of measures)1 Objectives To coordinate exchanges on best practices and establish recommendations needed by Member States in the context of the identification of measures related to groundwater that will have to be included in the First River Basin Management Plan. This activity will cover, in particular: The finalisation of the "prevent/limit" guidance initiated in 2006, which aims to support the implementation of Article 6 of the new Groundwater Directive (covering both point and diffuse sources of pollution)= ACTION: TO BE ADOPTED AT THE MEETING FOR SUBMISSION TO SCG Exchanges on Best Available Technologies related to groundwater measures, taking into account programmes of measures required under other EU Directives. These will include guidance on both point sources of pollution (including historical contaminated sites) and on diffuse sources, including agricultural diffuse pollution and megasites. This item will be closely linked to the "WFD & Agriculture" Expert Group with regard to diffuse agricultural sources)= ACTION: DEFINE DETAILED WP ON INTEGRATED MEASURES, DIFFUSE POLLUTION, MEGASITE MANAGEMENT – NEED FOR FURTHER GUIDANCE? CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS AS LEADER OR CO-LEADER