TFRs of significant oscillation amplitude modulations.


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Presentation transcript:

TFRs of significant oscillation amplitude modulations. TFRs of significant oscillation amplitude modulations. A, Difference in oscillation amplitudes between controls (CS) and ScZ patients for the correctly perceived upright and inverted stimuli (Welch’s t test, p < 0.05, corrected). Color scale indicates the fraction of brain regions with a significant positive CS-ScZ difference. The fraction of significant negative effects was negligible (blue colors). B, Cortical regions in which significant differences in oscillation amplitudes between the CS and ScZ were observed for the selected TF region of interest indicated by rectangles in A for upright and inverted stimuli displayed on inflated cortical surfaces. Colors of the parcels indicate the fraction of TF elements with significant modulation in the parcel. Acronyms for the anatomic and function brain areas: FEF, frontal eye field; iPG, inferior parietal gyrus (here angular gyrus); mFS/G, middle frontal sulcus/gyrus; mTS, middle temporal sulcus; poCS, postcentral sulcus, sOS/G, superior occipital sulcus/gyrus; sPG, superior parietal gyrus; sTS, superior temporal sulcus; TPJ, temporoparietal junction; V1/V2, primary/secondary visual cortex. Jonni Hirvonen et al. eNeuro 2017;4:ENEURO.0338-17.2017 ©2017 by Society for Neuroscience