Welcome To Clanton Middle School Open House! 4 August 2016
8th Grade Physical Science Agenda Expectations Daily Requirements Syllabus: Course Description; Goals and Objectives Supply List and Lab fees Tutoring Questions
Expectations Welcome to the beginning of a new school year. The following is a description of my classroom expectations. I expect the students to be in their seats before the tardy bell. I expect them to have their required materials for class. I expect to challenge the students as well as inspire and motivate them towards the applications that the courses I teach have in the real world. The Objectives of this course are to build upon preceding science skills and to prepare the student for inquiry toward the world they live in and beyond. The skills that will be challenged are those determined by me and the principal, the faculty of Clanton Middle School, the Chilton County Board of Education, and the Alabama Department of Education as requirements for the students’ success. The State Curriculum developed is one of the best devised for the students. That curriculum is the basis for all of my lesson plans.
The students will have daily homework that they complete in their science journal. This work can be found on my page of the schools website on my calendar. The homework itself is found in the forms section of that page, as well as other resources. Assignments, Quizzes, Projects, Reports, Labs, and Tests will be the categories the students will complete work in, and all will be posted on the calendar to allow you to keep up with current and upcoming key events. I will provide tutoring and encourage peer tutors for any student who requests it. The student must coordinate with their parents and me by use of a permission slip. This tutoring will be available in the afternoons from 1500 to 1545. This tutoring will be based on the needs of the individual but will be conducted in a group setting depending on the number of students present. I will send a weekly note home with any student planning on participating about the upcoming week’s schedule. If no prior arrangements are made and no one arrives for tutoring within 10 minutes of the expected start time, it will be terminated for that day.
Daily Requirements Following the class rules! Completing and turning in assignments! Being respectful toward themselves, their peers, and school personnel/property Adhering to school and county policies including dress code. Keeping up with daily notes and homework in their journal Participating in class activities Working safely on lab projects
Syllabus COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an Introduction to the principles in Physics and Chemistry. Emphasis is placed on the concepts and skills that will develop the students’ ability to advance toward the College and Career Ready Standards in high school. Students will be exposed to applied physics and chemistry labs that will enhance their concepts and skills.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: To establish a clear and definitive understanding of the scientific method while exploring, investigating, and developing a clear understanding in the Classification of Matter, Atomic Theory, Periodicity, Bonding/Nomenclature, Chemical Reactions, the Law of Conservation of Matter, Solutions, Acid/Base Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and more in the first Semester. The second semester will explore, investigate, and develop a clear understanding in the Laws of Motion, Force, Energy Transformations, Mechanical and Electrical Wave properties, and more. To explore, investigate, experiment, and explain the outcomes determined while conducting labs in the classroom or at home and discuss the concepts and the complexities in both Chemistry and Physics. To develop the mathematical skills that support and are a part of both Physics and Chemistry as they are applied in the sciences.
Supply List and Lab Fees II. Each student will need the following additional supplies: Computer access at home for homework, research, papers, notes, and reading writing assignments A Flash drive (also known as a “thumb drive”) for written reports and projects. Science lab fee is $10 These fees are used to replace the consumables that the students will use through out the year. I. Each student will need the following supplies daily in class: A Composition notebook (must have sewn in pages), that is wide ruled with at least 100 sheets or greater. ( depending on your student's use of the science journal, they may need more than one to get through the entire school year) Pencils only for class A calculator A highlighter colored pencils A ruler that has Metric units (specifically increments in centimeters)
Tutoring and Assistance I will be glad to assist any student after school from 1500 to 1545 Monday thru Thursday as long as they coordinate with me prior to that time and a parent or guardian has communicated with me about this request so that everyone can be informed about the sessions.