Palm Bay Academy presents… The Leader In Me Program Presentation By: Donna Moore
PBA Intends… To be a significant contributor in the preparation of our community’s children into tomorrow’s leaders. To anticipate and fulfill the future needs of students so they are able to lead our community in the 21st century. To make it our priority to instill the characteristics necessary for our students to become thinking, pro-active leaders.
PBA & Leader In Me… PBA’s staff is excited to introduce our new program, “Leader In Me”, which we believe will have a profound effect on the entire school community! Implementing Leader In Me this coming fall First school to implement in Brevard Over 3600 Leader In Me schools in 50 countries
PBA & Leader In Me… Leader In Me schools are committed to the cause of helping students develop leadership and academic skills. Skills students need to meet and overcome 21st century challenges Our goal is to find the leader in every child!
PBA & Leader In Me… The Leader in Me starts from a powerful premise—every child possesses unique strengths and has the ability to be a leader. A whole-school transformation model and process Developed in partnership with educators
The Leader in Me process includes student participation in… PBA & Leader In Me… The Leader in Me process includes student participation in… Goal setting Data tracking Leadership roles Student-Led Conferences Leadership Events
First, we create an effective leadership culture. PBA & Leader In Me… First, we create an effective leadership culture. We reinforce every member’s capabilities Encourage exploration, inquiry, technology infusion, project-based learning, and experimentation Supply a safe, secure environment
PBA & Leader In Me… A Leadership Culture... Actively engages students in their own learning In goal setting, tracking progress, and establishing personal-accountability systems Students become active participants in the direction of the school and many of the decisions that are made
PBA & Leader In Me… Shared Leadership... Increases engagement and enables students, staff, and families to be self-confident and self-reliant Enables students to work effectively with others, and make meaningful contributions Empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. self-confident self-reliant work effectively with others make meaningful contributions leadership succeed
PBA & Leader In Me… Foundations of the Leader In Me Process... 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Be Proactive Think Win Win Begin With The End in Mind Seek 1st to Understand – Then to be Understood Put First Things First Synergize Sharpen Your Saw
Foundations of the Leader In Me Process... PBA & Leader In Me… Foundations of the Leader In Me Process... Universal, enduring principles; personal, interpersonal, and organizational effectiveness such as… Responsibility Vision Integrity Teamwork Collaboration And Renewal These leadership principles create a common language and culture within the school
PBA & Leader In Me… LIM is not a curriculum, but a program that ... Is consistently modeled by all school personnel Is incorporated into coursework, traditions, and existing systems Serves as a foundational operating system that… Improves Relationships Transforms Culture Highly Motivates Staff & Students
PBA & Leader In Me… Next year’s students will embark on an exciting journey... Ask your students how they are doing along the way Have your students reteach the content to you In school environments, the 7 Habits have been proven to … Improve academic engagement Improve comprehension Improve performance Strengthen Individual Work Habits Improve Social Interactions
PBA & Leader In Me… The journey continued... the 7 Habits also … Improve Student Performance Support School Success By fostering qualities such as… Time Management & Planning Goal Setting Organization Teamwork Conflict Management Creativity Having Fun A Desire to Learn Good health
PBA & Leader In Me… Palm Bay Academy has made the commitment... To model and implement the 7 Habits to provide a caring, nurturing environment for our students caring, nurturing environment We will work together with our students... Maintain the dignity of children through productive interactions Positive relationships with parents and other community members dignity of children productive interactions Positive relationships
PBA & Leader In Me… We invite you... To join us for the 2018-2019 school year as we commit to the process of forging tomorrow’s leaders and stand together, becoming the lighthouse of the community, overcoming our future challenges.
For The Leader In Me Program See You Next Fall The Leader In Me