Ministerial Declaration approved unanimously in Lisbon, Portugal on 19 September 2007 Reaping the benefits of eGovernment EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra
EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra Objectives of the MD Understand and reap the benefits of eGovernment for citizens and enterprises. The need for a step forward on the development of pan-European services. To deep the use of interoperable systems and electronic identification, supporting cross border services and the implementation of the Services Directive. Special focus given to privacy and data protection. Reduction of administrative burdens. Inclusive eGovernment – “No Citizen left behind” Transformational Change of organizations and people (new kind of leadership). Special highlight to the training/qualification of public servants. The recognition of the potential of the eGov in the transformation of Europe in a economy sensitive to environment, using and promoting the efficient use of energy and less pollution. EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra
EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra MINISTERS AGREED ON THE FOLLOWING PRIORITY POLICY ACTIONS 1. Cross-border Interoperability eID eProcurement Action: By the end of 2008 Members States shall establish a list of new priority areas for high impact services, which can be further developed at the pan-European level with the support of EU programmes. EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra
EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra MINISTERS AGREED ON THE FOLLOWING PRIORITY POLICY ACTIONS 2. Reduction of Administrative Burdens Common methodologies (e.g. SCM) Focus on SME’s Actions: By the end of 2008 Member States shall report on the achievements of their flagship eGovernment services which have delivered significant contribution to reduction of administrative burden. They shall endeavour to identify and prioritise for future development, eGovernment projects which, over the following years will contribute most to the reduction of administrative burdens, especially for SMEs. By 2010 Member States shall use a common knowledge framework aiming at learning from each others experiences. They shall also share good practices on measuring ICT-enabled benefits and the resulting impact on public services. EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra
EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra MINISTERS AGREED ON THE FOLLOWING PRIORITY POLICY ACTIONS 3. Inclusive eGovernment Increase social impact “No citizen left behind” Make available targeted, combined, flexible and accessible multi-channel services, including face-to-face Action: By the end of 2008 Member States shall identify and exchange information on their flagship eGovernment initiatives addressing the needs of disadvantaged and potentially excluded . EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra
EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra MINISTERS AGREED ON THE FOLLOWING PRIORITY POLICY ACTIONS 4. Transparency and Democratic Engagement Explore new ways of public participation Share and organise the exchange of experiences taking advantage of the work undertaken by the Council of Europe and other European bodies Action: By the end of 2008 each Member State shall identify and exchange information on their national initiatives that aims to make intensive use of electronic means to increase participation and public debate. EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra
Ministerial Declaration approved unanimously in Lisbon, Portugal on 19 September 2007 Reaping the benefits of eGovernment EGOWG Meeting - 22, 23 October – Sintra