Closing the Achievement Gap in Park City School District Nicole Todd, Ph.D. Special Education Coordinator
PC out-performs State
PC out-performs comparable districts
Changing Demographics…
Elementary Schools School 1: 343 Total: 54% Hispanic, 48% FRL School 2: 590 Total: 24% Hispanic, 19% FRL School 3: 498 Total: 17% Hispanic, 12% FRL School 4: 528 Total: 14% Hispanic, 11% FRL
Are we happy with our data?Are we happy with our data?
PCs LEP students not outperforming state
LEP not out-performing comparable districts
Disaggregated data revealed issues that needed to be addresses Bi-monthly meetings with Curriculum, Student Services, and Elementary Principals – Why the Achievement Gap? Tier 1 Instruction varied widely Instruction not aligned with best practice Your kids, my kids Too many interventions, providers, poor fidelity Lots of resources were not solving the problem
The steps- Tier 1 Grade Level Team Meetings Comprehensive SIOP PD for all staff Comprehensive SIOP PD for every administrator and coach SIOP model teacher cohorts
The steps- Tiers 2 & 3 Interventions and the Problem Solving Model Standard Protocol Committee Track interventions in SIS
The steps- Additionally After School Programs 6-week Summer School Family Literacy District-wide Preschool
Our Results… As a result of these efforts, we are seeing the data turn in the right direction.
LEP as compared to State Average
PC LEP students exceeding comparable districts
Currently… Tier 1 Focus: Journeys, Math Adoption, SIOP PD Tier 3 Focus: Reading Interventions District-wide Preschool
Tier 1 Focus: Journeys Math Adoption SIOP Are we keeping kids at benchmark?
% of students at Benchmark BOY that are at Benchmark EOY
Tier 3 Reading Interventions Established Are we moving kids from intensive?
% of students at Intensive BOY that move out of Intensive at EOY
District-wide Preschool Implementation
Preschool impacting Kindergarten Fewer kids entering at Intensive
Questions? Nicole Stewart