Support Foundation European Social Fund Agency Ieva Raguckaitė Support Foundation European Social Fund Agency
Project Implementation Group Project Title Preparation of the convicts for independent life by supporting motivation for integration into society and labor market. Project Implementation Group The Prison Department at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania
Project Duration ESF grant Total Project Value 2005 may – 2008 may Euro 374,120 Total Project Value Euro 467,669
75 employees, working with the convicts. Project Target Group 3000 convicts 75 employees, working with the convicts. Priority 2 – “Human Resources Development” Measure 2.3. – “Prevention of social exclusion, fostering social adaptability” Activity Area 5 – “Social integration of the released convicts and individuals kept in detention centers”
The Project Goal The project seeks to promote social integration of the convicts, to overcome social exclusion, e.g. through motivating convicts in the detention places to seek secondary and vocational training and to obtain legal income option, providing information about social support, educational services, employment possibilities, developing their social skills in locating target information, also providing legal information in relation to the release out of prison.
Final Results Classes for convicts are installed in all correction institutions. Expert team (UAB “Rait”) carried out the initial situation analysis survey in five correction houses. “Terra IT” company created a system of convict information and motivation provision (CIMP), and on this basis built CIMP portal. The company also wrote a Convict Information and Motivation Programme and a Simulation Game “My Way”. 75 officers were selected and trained to work in the project with convicts. The total number to start and finish simulation game to 2007 September was 950 convicts.
The aim of the game “My way” is to model the convict’s life after serving the sentence and release out of prison; it introduces the players to the real world, simulating different life situation, where they have to exercise free choice.
Contact Person Rūta Janulevičienė Project Director Tel. 00370 5 2719034 E-mail
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