Easter in Britain Zuzka Stoklásková 3.A
HISTORY in the late 17th century on the fourth Sunday of Lent baked young girls Simnel cake rich and gave it to his mothers, the cake was flavored with marzipan and decorated with 11 marzipan balls representing the 12 apostles according to the Saxon tradition is eating small cakes , now known as cross - buns cakes marked with a cross were eaten in honor of the goddess Eostre Cross – buns Simnel cake
EASTER TRADITIONS spring racing eights on the Thames celebration of the spring equinox Pancake race - running with the pelvis in which the hot grease and pancake races and only women Easter parades kite in the morning on Easter is traditionally involved in the game of who finds the most eggs that the Easter bunny hide it while still asleep as soon as they find a chocolate egg , immediately eats it and go looking for more
SYMBOL OF EASTER Easter Eggs Morris Dancing The Easter Bunny Cross-Buns The Cross Palms Simnel Cake
MAUNDY THURSDAY on this day to himself the sovereign invite as many people as he is years old and gives away a commemorative coins stored in a leather case coins have great collectible value coins called Maundy Money