Birmingham | Bristol | Doncaster | Dublin | Edinburgh | East Midlands | Exeter | Gatwick | Glasgow | Heathrow Leeds/Bradford | Liverpool | Luton | Manchester | Murcia | Southampton | Southampton Port | Stansted
Background Stress Free Parking is the UKs favourite airport meet and greet, providing services at a number of UK airports, and selling services online at others. Stress Free Parking operates at Birmingham, Heathrow, Luton, East Midlands and Southampton airports as well as Southampton Cruise Port. We thought it would be beneficial to conduct some research into our customers profile, demographic and behaviour in order to better understand their needs and further improve our service. The research methodology is an online questionnaire sent out to 1,000 customers that have booked meet & greet through in the last 12 months
Demographic The research showed a strong over index in travellers aged indexing at 189% compared to the UK population, and an over index in salary over £25K, but especially salary over £50K possibly due to the nature of the airports Stress Free Parking operate, picking up Business customers.
Travelling 65% were travelling on leisure, and 34% on Business Remarkably, 66% of travellers claimed to have saved over an hour off their travel time, with 32% claiming to have saved 2 hours by using meet and greet compared to other types of airport parking.
Park Mark A unanimous 94% of travellers claim that they Park Mark award is important to them, with only 6% saying that it isnt. 67% say that it is very important. The Park Mark award is an award car parks can achieve to show that they have been vetted by the Police and provide a safe parking environment.
Reason for purchase The highest proportion unsurprisingly use meet & greet for convenience, with 7% to avoid the bus. 20% see it as cheaper and 5% value for money. Overall a combination of price, service and convenience are the key drivers to choose meet & greet airport parking.
Other comments Very convenient to be met when both going and returning from holiday good to be right outside departure doors and picked up straight outside in a warm car in the winter months. Quicker and more efficient. Less hassle then getting on a park and ride bus and very very good value for money. Such a great way to go! What a start to the holiday! No driving past the airport for 10 miles humping cases onto a bus ride back to airport...then repeat the exercise on way home when tired and fed up! It's fantastic... Seemed a lot easier than the other methods and the price was very similar if it had been more expensive I probably would have put up with the extra hassle. Good price used before efficient polite helpful staff No stressful car park search or bus wait.