September 2014 802.11 Session Supplementary Material May 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0051r2 September 2014 September 2014 802.11 Session Supplementary Material Date: 2014-09-14 Authors: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
September 2014 Introduction This report provides supplementary material related to attending the September 2014 802.11 interims. Refer to the agenda: 11-14/997 (Athens Wireless Interim) 11-14/996 (Chengdu, China 802.11 Interim) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
September 2014 Monday Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
M2.3.1 Summary of Liaisons and Status September 2014 M2.3.1 Summary of Liaisons and Status New Second liaison on non-OFDM use cases from WFA Ongoing WBA request for clarification on location fields 11-14.706r1. Owner: Stephen McCann Stephen is looking to generate a reply with substantive comment. WFA liaison response on “Non-OFDM Use Cases”. Owner: Dorothy Stanley. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
M3.2 Joint meetings and Reciprocal Credit September 2014 M3.2 Joint meetings and Reciprocal Credit Internal Joint Meetings TGaq / TGai (Tue pm1) TGak / ARC (Thu am1) External None Reciprocal credit is provided to 802.11 voters for attendance at: 802.18, 802.19, 802.24 Reciproal credit is being considered for 802.1 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
M3.10 Topics for Wednesday plenary September 2014 M3.10 Topics for Wednesday plenary “802 EC Privacy Recommendation SG” – Juan Carlos Zuniga 802.19 3GPP activities – Stephen Shellhammer “Make Wi-Fi fast” – David That Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
M3.11 802 EC and IEEE-SA Standards Board decisions September 2014 M3.11 802 EC and IEEE-SA Standards Board decisions PARS The IEEE 802 EC approved the P802.11ah & P802.11ai PAR Extension requests during its closing plenary, July 2014. P802.11ah & P802.11ai PAR Extension requests were submitted to myProject on 21st July. They are currently on the NesCom continuing process agenda (October). Approval of draft standards None Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
September 2014 Wednesday Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
W2.2 Call for Potentially Essential Patents May 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0051r2 September 2014 W2.2 Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
September 2014 friday Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F2.2 Call for Potentially Essential Patents May 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0051r2 September 2014 F2.2 Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F2.4 Administrative Reminders September 2014 F2.4 Administrative Reminders Next Session: 2-7 November 1st CAC telecon – 29th Sept at noon ET (-5 weeks) Initial objectives/agendas should be uploaded as mentor documents (.ppt format) or send to chair (.xls tab format) before the telecon. Meeting date set to meet 30-day agenda submission deadline. 2nd CAC telecon – 27th Oct at noon ET (-1 week) Snapshots to be send to Dorothy Stanley before this telecon. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F2.5 Letters of Assurance Database is here September 2014 F2.5 Letters of Assurance Database is here 15 Entries have 2014 submission dates 8 Request for LoAs sent out since October 2013 3 requests pending**: Marvell (802.11ai), Qualcomm (802.11ah), Broadcom (802.11ai) 1 new request received at this session (Texas A&M University System) Data as of 2014-08-12 ** i.e. Chair has not received a substantive response Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F2.6 IEEE Store Contents - July 2014 November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0203r2 March 2014 September 2014 F2.6 IEEE Store Contents - July 2014 Publication Draft in TechStreet Draft in Members Area Published in Get 802? IEEE P802.11REVmc D3.0 $600 pdf D3.0 IEEE P802.11ai D2.0 $165 D2.0 IEEE Std 802.11af-2013 $165 pdf IEEE Std 802.11ac-2013 $309 print Yes IEEE Std 802.11ad-2012 $371 print IEEE Std 802.11ae-2012 $108 print IEEE Std 802.11aa-2012 $185 print IEEE Std 802.11-2012 $556 print IEEE Std 802.11<x>: b, k, i, n, p, y, r, w, u, v, z, s $100 - $309 802.11-2007 Last updated: 2014-06 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
F2.7 802.11 drafts to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0203r2 March 2014 September 2014 F2.7 802.11 drafts to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Drafts are sent to ISO during sponsor ballot to solicit comments. Approved drafts may also be sent during working group ballot. Any comments received from ISO are processed by the comment resolution committee P802.11REVmc D3 LB202 (June 2014) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Andrew Myles, Cisco
F2.9 Early 802.11 Documentation Project September 2014 F2.9 Early 802.11 Documentation Project There is a continuing interest in being able to access early 802.11 submissions. The submissions on the server are not necessarily accessible: Some submissions were never uploaded Some submissions are in word processor formats that are no longer generally available. Vic Hayes, former chair, has a large paper archive of early submissions. He has obtained funding and has scanned this archive. WG chair has these. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F2.9 Early Documentation - continued September 2014 F2.9 Early Documentation - continued The IEEE-SA has employed an intern on a part-time basis to work on making the documentation accessible. The tasks involve Merging, splitting and renaming the scanned pdf files Checking that nothing is missing from the scans. Updating a database of document numbers, revisions and files. It is hoped that the work will be completed this year. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F7.1 802 Wireless Chairs meeting September 2014 F7.1 802 Wireless Chairs meeting The wireless chairs meeting makes decisions related to the operation of the wireless interim meetings, such as location and cost. The meeting is open to all. If you are interested in these topics, please attend. The wireless chairs meeting takes place at 4:00pm local time on the Sunday of 802 Plenary and 802 Wireless Interim sessions. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F7.2 Next Meeting – IEEE 802 Plenary September 2014 F7.2 Next Meeting – IEEE 802 Plenary November 2-7, San Antonio, Tx, USA At the Hyatt Regency Meeting Registration and Hotel Registration are open Standard registration deadline: October 24th 2014. Hotel reservation deadline: October 18th. For information and registration links, see Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation