Abbreviate To shorten; abridge.


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Presentation transcript:

abbreviate To shorten; abridge

Refraining from pleasurable activity Abstinence Refraining from pleasurable activity

adulation High praise

adversity misfortune

Pertaining to beauty or arts Aesthetic Pertaining to beauty or arts

Amicable Friendly; agreeable

anachronistic Out-of-date

Short, usually funny story anecdote Short, usually funny story

anonymous nameless

Foe, opponent, adversary antagonist Foe, opponent, adversary

arid Extremely dry

Persistent; hard-working assiduous Persistent; hard-working

asylum sanctuary; shelter

benevolent Friendly and helpful

Trust; sociability among friends camaraderie Trust; sociability among friends

censure To criticize harshly

Indirect; taking the longest route circuitous Indirect; taking the longest route

Exceptionally insightful clairvoyant Exceptionally insightful

To cooperate; to work together collaborate To cooperate; to work together

Sympathy, helpfulness, or mercy compassion Sympathy, helpfulness, or mercy

compromise To settle a dispute

Possessing an attitude of superiority condescending Possessing an attitude of superiority

Depending on a condition conditional Depending on a condition

Person who complies with accepted rules, customs conformist Person who complies with accepted rules, customs

Crowd of people; assembly congregation Crowd of people; assembly

Joining or coming together convergence Joining or coming together

deleterious Harmful, destructive

Leader who appeals to emotion demagogue Leader who appeals to emotion

Turning aside from the point digression Turning aside from the point

Careful; hard-working diligent Careful; hard-working

discredit To harm the reputation

Regard with scorn or contempt disdain Regard with scorn or contempt

divergent Separating

Identification with the feelings of others empathy Identification with the feelings of others

emulate imitate

enervating Weakening; tiring

enhance improve

Momentary; transient; fleeting ephemeral Momentary; transient; fleeting

Quickly fading; short-lived evanescent Quickly fading; short-lived

Irritation; frustration exasperation Irritation; frustration

Outstanding; an example to others exemplary Outstanding; an example to others

extenuating excusing

florid Red-colored

Happening by luck; fortunate fortuitous Happening by luck; fortunate

frugal Thrifty; cheap

Clichéd; worn out from overuse hackneyed Clichéd; worn out from overuse

Arrogant and condescending haughty Arrogant and condescending

Person who pursues pleasure hedonist Person who pursues pleasure

hypothesis assumption

impetuous Rash, impulsive

impute To attribute to a group

incompatible Opposed in nature

inconsequential Unimportant, trivial

inevitable Certain, unavoidable

Decency, honesty, wholeness integrity Decency, honesty, wholeness

intrepid Fearless, adventurous

intuitive Instinctive, untaught

Joy, celebration, exultation jubilation Joy, celebration, exultation

Person who seeks to influence politics lobbyist Person who seeks to influence politics

longevity Long life

mundane Ordinary, commonplace

Calm, casual, seeming unexcited nonchalant Calm, casual, seeming unexcited

novice Apprentice, beginner

opulent wealthy

orator Lecturer, speaker

Showy, displaying wealth ostentatious Showy, displaying wealth

parched Dried up, shriveled

Faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy perfidious Faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy

Unusually advanced at an early age precocious Unusually advanced at an early age

Pretending to be important, intelligent, cultured pretentious Pretending to be important, intelligent, cultured

To delay unnecessarily, postpone procrastinate To delay unnecessarily, postpone

Relating to prose; dull, commonplace Prosaic Relating to prose; dull, commonplace

prosperity Wealth or success

Tending to provoke a response provocative Tending to provoke a response

prudent Careful, cautious

Complaining, irritable querulous Complaining, irritable

rancorous Bitter, hateful

reclusive Preferring isolation

Agreement after a quarrel reconciliation Agreement after a quarrel

Repair, making something new again renovation Repair, making something new again

Quick to recover, bounce back resilient Quick to recover, bounce back

Controlled, repressed, restricted restrained Controlled, repressed, restricted

Worship, profound respect reverence Worship, profound respect

sagacity wisdom

Scrutinize To observe carefully

Impulsive action, unplanned events spontaneity Impulsive action, unplanned events

Lacking authenticity, false spurious Lacking authenticity, false

Tending to meekness, to submit to others submissive Tending to meekness, to submit to others

substantiate To verify or confirm

subtle Hard to detect

Shallow, lacking in depth superficial Shallow, lacking in depth

Extra, more than enough, redundant superfluous Extra, more than enough, redundant

suppress To end an activity

surreptitious Secret, stealthy

Considerate, skillful in avoiding offense tactful Considerate, skillful in avoiding offense

Determined; keeping a firm grip tenacious Determined; keeping a firm grip

Temporary, short-lived transient Temporary, short-lived

Respected because of age venerable Respected because of age

To clear from blame or suspicion vindicate To clear from blame or suspicion

wary Careful, cautious