Great Marsden St John's 'Pick and Mix' Homework Woodpeckers Autumn Term 1 – At The Toy Shop This 'Pick and Mix' homework is for the whole half term. Red Boxes need to be completed regularly each week. Yellow Boxes must be done at some point during the half term. Challenge yourself to the green box activities. These do not have to be done, but if you want to push yourself, that would be super! Reading Try to read at home at least 3 times a week and sign your reading record every time. If you are reading your own books or books from the library they can recorded too! . Create a family portrait using your own choice of materials. You could draw, paint, collage or mix different materials together. Return by 19.09.18 The Empty Box! You can do anything you like; a picture of something that interests you; write about something you have done - the choice is yours... Use a ruler to measure the length of objects around your home (up to the length of the rule). Create a table in your learning log, You could order the items short to long. Return by 26.9.18 Look out for price tags whilst at the shop. Can you read how much the items cost? You could cut the prices off boxes or packets and make a collection of prices in your learning log. Write a harvest themed prayer. A Family Learning Activity Play a playground game together. You could try hopscotch, tig, clapping or skipping games. Spellings Remember to learn your spellings for the test on Friday. Talk about... Your families favourite games or toys they played with as children. Are they the same or different? How long can you balance on one leg for? Stare at something on the wall or hold onto your ear to help. Count how long you can manage. What about swapping legs or competing with a friend. Write a character description for your favourite toy. Remember to write in sentences, use some describing words and include a picture. Draw, or cut out pictures of toys from a magazine and sort into groups according to the materials they are made of. Remember to label the groups. Return by 3.10.18 Make groups of two objects or drawings and count them in twos. Can you write down the number sequence? Write the instructions for how to make your favourite treat. It could be how to make a sandwich, fruit kebab or ice a biscuit. Remember to number the instructions. Return by 10 .10.17 Number Facts Practise counting up to 100. Can you count from 100 to 0? Can you start at different numbers? Please tick and initial the activities your child has completed.