Together with Tenants – we want your views [Meeting name, date] Information for facilitator: Send a copy of the draft plan in advance if possible: This presentation is based on a two-hour session with an optional 10-minute break.
What we will cover today Why we are here Why do we need a plan? What’s in the plan? Core charter commitments Questions about the charter Questions about the oversight Welcome, introduce purpose of session, position workshop in terms of its importance and how we value the time tenants are giving up today. Housekeeping points: how long the session will last; it is confidential. We are not here to deal with specific complaints or issues, but to hear general views on the draft plan. Ask participants to introduce themselves.
Why are we here? The National Housing Federation wants to hear your views on its draft plan to create a stronger relationship between tenants, residents and landlords. The draft plan has been developed following extensive conversations with tenants, residents, housing associations and stakeholders. We want to hear your views on the draft plan so that we can ensure it responds to the needs and concerns of housing association tenants and residents. Welcome, introduce purpose of session, position workshop in terms of its importance and how we value the time tenants are giving up today. Housekeeping points: how long the session will last; it is confidential. We are not here to deal with specific complaints or issues, but to hear general views on the draft plan. Ask participants to introduce themselves.
Why do we need a plan? Housing associations are facing questions about their relationship with their tenants and residents, including: Are tenants and residents listened to when things go wrong with their home or the service they receive? Do tenants and residents have the chance to influence decisions made about their home or the services they receive? What can tenants and residents do if they don’t think their landlord is taking their concerns seriously? Can you relate to these questions? We recognise that there are questions about our relationship with tenants, particularly around accountability, and we are keen to address these. These questions have become more prominent since the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower, and the ministerial roadshows leading up to the publication of the Government’s Social Housing Green Paper also exposed real differences in the way tenants and residents feel about their landlords and social housing more generally. We want to be proactive about addressing these questions, and work closely with tenants and residents to ensure we get this right.
What’s in the plan? Do these look like the right actions to you? Impact A change to the National Housing Federation’s Code of Governance. For boards to be accountable to tenants and residents. A new Together with Tenants Charter. Setting out what tenants and residents can expect from your housing association landlord. Tenant and resident oversight and scrutiny of the charter. Reporting publicly on how your landlord is doing. A closer link with regulation. Strengthening regulation and linking to the charter. The National Housing Federation has developed this plan together with tenants, residents, housing associations and stakeholders. It is very much a draft plan and the Federation will use the feedback gathered to amend it. The Federation will then work with a group of housing association ‘early adopters’ to test out the plan together with tenants and residents, before a full roll-out in 2020. Today we will mainly talk about action two, the charter, but we would like to hear your views on the whole package. Action 1: A strong commitment is needed from housing association leadership to valuing the voice and experience of tenants and residents. A new requirement would demonstrate that housing associations are serious about change. Boards would need to demonstrate compliance with the code, such as by signing up to and delivering on the commitments of the Together with Tenants Charter. Action 2: A stronger relationship needs clear commitments and expectations. Housing associations would be asked to sign up to a set of core commitments, but could also develop their own commitments alongside these. These commitments draw on existing consumer standards, but are intended to go further and deliver real and meaningful change for tenants and residents. Action 3: The charter is a mechanism for tenants and residents to hold their landlords to account. They would report to the board of their housing associations on their landlord’s performance against the charter commitments. The board is then expected to put in place plans to address any issues raised. Action 4: The tenant report can provide evidence to the Regulator of Social Housing of non-compliance with consumer standards. Discussion: do you think these actions are the right ones or are there gaps? Do these look like the right actions to you?
Core charter commitments Every tenant and resident has the right to be treated with respect. Every tenant and resident has the right to a decent, safe home and quality service. Every tenant has the right to be listened to and have their view heard on decisions that affect their community, home and the services they receive. Every tenant and resident has the right to know how the organisation is run, how decisions are made, and how they can get involved. These commitments are deliberately clear and simple. They are intended to take into account feedback we’ve had about the way people are respected, listened to, and valued. The charters focus more generally on how tenants are respected, valued and treated, as opposed to specific processes around repairs and complaints.
Core charter commitments Collectively, tenants and residents have the right to influence decisions that affect their community, home and the services they receive. Every tenant and resident will have simple, clear and accessible routes for raising issues, making complaints and seeking redress. Every tenant and resident will receive support and advice when things go wrong or their expectations aren’t met. Every tenant and resident will have access to the information they need to make informed decisions and hold their landlord to account.
Questions about the charter Do the commitments cover the right areas or are there gaps? Is the wording right or can you suggest improvements? Do you think you would notice a difference if these commitments were followed by your landlord?
Questions about the oversight Will giving tenants the role to report on progress help make change happen? Will the link to regulation work or is more needed? What else could we do? It is important to give the charter weight by giving tenants the role of overseeing and reporting publicly on their landlord’s progress. This is together with the changes to the Code of Governance and the link with regulation.
Any questions?
Thank you Feedback will be sent to the National Housing Federation and will inform the next iteration of the plan and the charter.