REVIEW GROUP 178 – AN ALTERNATE SOLUTION Stefan Leedham 25th January 2008
WHAT ARE THE ISSUES? Appropriateness of exposing I&C Sites to RbD Do not fit domestic profile Does not align with supply licence or GDN reporting requirements Requires I&C Shippers to have mechanisms in place to cope with RbD Appropriateness of exposing large domestic sites to individual reconciliation? Fit domestic profile Impact of mis-allocation greater Ability of AQ and so RbD to respond to a step change in consumption All domestic suppliers also have I&C portfolio and so will be exposed to individual meter reconciliation
SOLUTIONS One Way Street Threshold Approach Move all SSP I&C Sites into LSP market Leave LSP Domestic sites where they are Threshold Approach Move all SSP I&C Sites into LSP market & rename I&C Move all LSP Domestic sites into SSP market & rename domestic All I&C Sites exposed to individual meter point reconciliation All domestic sites less than 73,200kWh exposed to RbD & all domestic sites greater than 73,200kWh individually reconcilied
COMMENTS Both solutions need a better definition of “I&C” and “domestic” than currently exists