BEMS user Manual Fundación cartif
CONTENTS Introduction Roles description Copyright and legal notices Using the BEMS Bems user manual
CONTENTS Introduction Roles description Copyright and legal notices Using the BEMS Bems user manual
introduction Bresaer Building Energy Management System (BEMS) integrates a Graphical User Interface (GUI), which implements the Human-Machine Interaction. Despite the fact that the approach of this GUI is user-friendly, this document contains a users’ guide in order to support any users who want to browse through the GUI. The main features of this GUI is that provides access to the information concerning the monitoring of the building and gives the possibility of handling the facilities in manual mode using just a simple screen. Taking into account that one of the first issues addressed in this document is the explanation about the screens that can be accessed by each role, then the part of the document concerning the use of the BEMS will be organized attending to the screens, not the roles (because screens that can be accessed by each role have been already explained). BEMS user Manual
CONTENTS Introduction Roles description Copyright and legal notices Using the BEMS Bems user manual
ROLES DESCRIPTION Four roles have been defined to Access Bresaer BEMS: Administrator Users with this role have access to monitoring, users configuration and alarms visualization. Technical User It is envisaged that this role comes from the project, and knows the technical issues. This role gives de possibility to access to monitoring, alarms visualization, KPIs and schedulers screens. Owner Owner users are the most interested in the energy results, so the most important screen for them is KPIs, and alarms to know about what is wrong in the building. Users with owner role have access to monitoring, KPIs, alarms visualization, data downloading, control screen and bank holidays configuration. External User Users with this role only have access to the monitoring screen. BEMS user Manual
CONTENTS Introduction Roles description Copyright and legal notices Using the BEMS Bems user manual
copyright AND LEGAL NOTICES Copyright notice and legal disclaimers: Copyright ©2019 BRESAER project and Fundación CARTIF (“the consortium”). All Rights Reserved. Permission to use and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, and not-for-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph and the following three paragraphs appear in all copies and distributions. In no event shall the consortium be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the consortium has been advised of the possibility of such damage. The consortium specifically disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software and accompanying documentation, if any, provided hereunder is provided “as is” and “with all faults”. The consortium has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications. Data, text, images and any other output provided by this software should and must be verified by qualified professionals. The use of the software is done at your own discretion and risk and with agreement that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from such activities. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from the consortium, its website or its contributors, shall create any warranty for the software or its documentation. The information and views set out in this publication and software are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. BEMS user Manual
CONTENTS Introduction Roles description Copyright and legal notices Using the BEMS Bems user manual
USING THE BEMS - Login To access BEMS application, users have to log in using a user-password combination. If password has been forgotten, users should press “Forgot your password”, introduce an e-mail and press “Send new password” New users: press “Register”, introduce your e-mail and press “Send email for registration”. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS – monitoring This screen can be accessed by all roles (administrator, technical user, owner and external user). Use this list drop-down list to select the floor Use this list drop-down list to select the list of sensor you want to show in the graph. Initial and final dates can be specified too. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS – user configuration This screen can be accessed by users with administrator role. Click on one specific user to show its features. You will be able to delete the selected user. Click on the read icon to delete the related user. A confirmation message will appear. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS – user configuration This screen can be accessed by users with administrator role. Press “X” to close the form. Click on “New user” button to create a new user. Fill in the form and then press “Add user”. Press “Reset” to delete the content of all data fields. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS – alarms visualization This screen can be accessed by administrators, technical users and owners. Click on one of these labels to show only one kind of alarms. Use these controls to filter alarmas based on initial and final dates. Use these controls to show more or less alarms per page. Use these controls to move around all the generated alarms. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS – Schedulers configuration This screen can be accessed by technical users. Press “X” or “Close button” to close the form. Click on one specific scheduler to show its features. You will be able to delete the selected scheduler. Click on the read icon to delete the related scheduler. A confirmation message will appear. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS – Schedulers configuration This screen can be accessed by technical users. Press “X” to close the form. Click here to add one scheduler. Fill in the form and then press “Add scheduler”. Press “Reset” to reload the content of all data fields. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS – kpIs visualization This screen can be accessed both by technical users and owners. Initial and final dates can be specified using these controls. Use this drop-down list to select the KPIs you want to show in the graph. If the selected KPIs have no associated data, a message will appear informing about it. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS –data visualization and downloading This screen can be accessed by owners. Initial and final dates must be specified using these controls. Use these drop-down lists to select the sensors and KPIs you want to show, and then press “View PDF” or “Export to CSV” to obtain data in your preferred format. To download the data in pdf format, “Download PDF” button has to be pressed once the data has been showed. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS – control screen This screen can be accessed by owners. Use this control to change from winter to summer mode (or vice versa). Use this control to change from automatic to manual mode (or vice versa). Use these controls to stablish the set-point for indoor termal comfort (like a thermostat). This can only be done in manual mode. Inlet and return temperatures, as well as the current flow of the energy sources are shown here in real time. Press “Refresh” to reload the values. BEMS user Manual
USING THE BEMS – bank holidays configuration This screen can be accessed by owners. Click on one day to add or remove it as “bank holiday” BEMS user Manual
BRESAER BEMS user Manual