Friday, 10 May h00 – 16h30 (Geneva time)


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Presentation transcript:

Friday, 10 May 2019 15h00 – 16h30 (Geneva time) Online Session 1.1: Training overview, fundamental concepts and setting up coordination Friday, 10 May 2019 15h00 – 16h30 (Geneva time) Please configure your audio & video for the Webinar Please mute once you have checked your mic Please message Kashif Rehman on webex chat or on Skype:kashif.rehman7 if you are having problems to configure audio

Todays webinar Introductions Training Overview Key terms Review of key concepts Announcements


Introductions What is your name? Organization? Where are you based? What are you working on these days?

Training Overview

Course Objectives Strengthened capacity of OCHA staff, surge mechanism and external partners to facilitate & support coordinated assessments and information management during crisis. Improve data collection and analysis in humanitarian crisis. Encourage establishment of coordination structures and preparedness activities to support coordinated assessments and information management. Support decision making by improving evidence and common analysis. Mutual learning through practical experience sharing.

CAIM Training Phase 1 Schedule of activities

CAIM Training Phase 1 Schedule of activities

CAIM Training website

Group Informal but try to be relevant Use it communicate with the group and facilitators Reminders and announcements Bounce ideas Ask questions Share resources Share examples and relevant documents Announce arrival/departure Plan side events Share photos Networking Planning / Offers / Tips (example: lets share accommodation, I paid 30 Euro for taxi etc. )

Key Terminology

Assessments The evaluation, estimation or data collection to attain nature, quality, attributes, status or ability of someone or something.

Analysis Detailed examination of the elements, results or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation.


Primary Data

Secondary Data




Exercise: Measurement (5 mins individual exercise) Imagine you have to prove that this is an actual real can of Coke with real Coke inside How would you do it? This is a small exercice on measurement. Assessmetns intend to measure needs, but what is measurement exactly. In this game, the particiapnts needs to come back with some innovative solution such as: I open the can of coca cola and i ask 10 peopel with previous experience of coca cola to taste it and tell me if it seems to be coca cola I can run to the shop and buy randomly some can of coca cola, and then compare weight, taste, nosie when i open or composition when i mix with water so i can compare between real can and my can Etc etc. The goal of the exercice is to make people understand that we never really measure scientifically needs. We barelly circle aroudn the issues. We nver really measure how much Kilo calory per day people eat. We estimate it, by asking question about proxies.




Review of key concepts

Coordination Coordination is guided by the cluster reference module

Country level generic coordination structure

Humanitarian Programme cycle Needs assessment is one of the first steps within the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (revision 2020)

IASC Operational Guidance for CA The Operational Guidance promotes a coordinated approach to assessments in order to address a number of recurring issues during emergencies. For example, there is not so much a lack of assessment information as a lack of capacity to validate and analyse the information necessary to determine priorities and guide planning of the humanitarian response.

Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) The Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA – revision 2015) is a joint needs assessment tool that can be used in sudden onset emergencies, including IASC System-Wide level 3 Emergency Responses (L3 Responses). Phase 1 Secondary Data Review Collect pre and in crisis data Analysis on secondary data Output = Situation Analysis Phase 2 Primary Data Collection Key informant interviews Direct observation Output = MIRA Report Phase 3-4 Sectoral assessments Post Disaster Needs Assessment Monitoring Yearly Strategic Response Plan) MIRA

Coordinated Needs Assessment Life Cycle
