Møysalen national park and protected landscape - the process of making a management plan Christian Brun-Jenssen County Governor of Nordland
Background Established 29th of August, 2003 Situated north in Nordland, in Lødingen, Hadsel and Sortland municipalities Map Møysalen national park –51,2 km 2 –50 % state owned Møysalen protected landscape –67,3 km 2 –Private and municipality owned land Untouched coastal alpine landscape, biodiversity with ecosystems, species and stocks, cultural herritage Hard bedrock,landscape formed in glacial periods, oseanic climate Authority: County Governor of Nordland. Bord of Directors will be established tomorrow. Traditional use: reindeer heerding, hunting, fishing and recreational use
Management plan - process Protection regulations § 5: A management plan should be prepared Process Start: January 2009 Consultation with the Sami Parliament. A Working Committee («Arbeidsutvalg») established Eight representatives: Two representatives from the municipalities One representative from the private land owners One representative Statskog (state land owner) Three Sami representatives One representative from the County Governors office (leader of the board) Purpose: take care of sami interests and support the County Governors office during the writing process The consultations should be accomplished in good faith with the aim of agreement. Alternative motions Seven meetings Public meetings and field excursions First draft: accepted by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature management (DN) in 2010 Hearing in the periode from september to december 2010 Final draft sent DN January 2011, accepted with some changes Juni 2012.
The Management plan – results Good athmosphere in the woorking committee Agreement A lot of statements from the public Management plan with four main parts Introduction Description of the protected areas User interests (main part) Guidelines for proceedings (who, when etc) User interests Reindeer heerding Recreation, fishing, hunting Tourism Buildings Use of motorised vehicles Exploitation of nature resources Cultural herritage Todays situation, goals, regulations and guidelines
The Management plan – results Important topics in the working committee LOFAST (main road) and a new trail Marking of trails Conflict between land owners and tourist business Conflict between local inhabitants and the municipalities regarding design of the gateways of the national park