Student-Centered Instruction [SCI] is an instructional approach in which students influence the content, activities, materials, and pace of learning. This learning model places the student (learner) in the center of the learning process. The instructor provides students with opportunities to learn independently and from one another and coaches them in the skills they need to do so effectively.
Student-Centered Instruction [SCI] The SCI approach includes assigning open-ended problems and problems requiring critical or creative thinking that cannot be solved by following text examples, involving students in simulations and role plays, and using self-paced and/or cooperative (team-based) learning. Properly implemented SCI can lead to increased motivation to learn, greater retention of knowledge, deeper understanding, and more positive attitudes towards the subject being taught (Collins & O'Brien, 2003).
TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACHES, STRATEGIES, METHODS, ACTIVITIES Lecturer-Centered Students are viewed as “empty vessels” whose primary role is to passively receive information Student-Centered The teacher’s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension of material Lecture Direct Instruction Demonstration Refers to the traditional teaching strategy that relies on explicit teaching through lectures and teacher-led demonstrations Teachers /Lecturers are the sole supplier of knowledge and information. These methods are effective in teaching basic and fundamental skills across all content areas. Group Discussion Buzz Group Symposium Discussion Debate Discussion Phillips 66 Think Pair Share Picture Making Round Robin 3-Steps Interview Jigsaw Cooperative Learning refers to a method of teaching and classroom management that emphasizes group work and a strong sense of community.
TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACHES, STRATEGIES, METHODS, ACTIVITIES Lecturer-Centered Student-Centered Inquiry Based Learning (Inductive Teaching & Learning) A teaching method that focuses on student investigation and hands-on learning. In this method, the teacher’s primary role is that of a facilitator, providing guidance and support for students through the learning process. Case-Based Learning -CBL Problem-Based Learning - PBL Project-Based Learning - PjBL Senario-Based Learning – SBL Discovery Learning Experiential Learning
Lecture Students concentration during presentations often declines after 15 minutes. Break for : A Think Pair Share activities Buzz Group 3 step interview Phillips 66 A concept test
Personal Goals of Members: Physical Environment Seating Arrangement Group Discussion Factors Affecting Group Discussion Size of the group Cliques Within a Group Personal Goals of Members: Physical Environment Seating Arrangement Time for Discussion
Group Discussion Six attributes of effective small group activities : Interesting topic Clearly defined Sequenced Well paced Flexible Participative
Group Discussion Preparing A Group Discussion Choose A Topic: A topic for group discussion should be interesting, significant, and manageable. Decide What Type of Question to Discuss: Topic chosen should be worded in the form of a question. Word the Question Carefully: Once the question is formed, then narrow it down by wording it in clear, concise, and unbiased language. Prepare an Outline: To keep the group moving toward its goal. Research A Topic: All members doing research on the topic before the discussion takes place
Buzz Group A buzz group is a small group, consisting of three to six people who are given an assignment to complete in a short time period. Generally, each buzz group records their output then reports to the larger group. Can be used : Build an agenda. Evaluate an activity or process. Serve as an icebreaker Warm up a group to a new topic. Solve problems Address a topic from a new perspective. Share ideas Generate ideas Generate lists. Gather feedback Reflect and review.
Think Pair Share Pose the problem and have students work on it individually for a short time Then have them form pairs and reconcile and improve their solutions and finally call on several individuals or pairs to share their responses. Note : This structure takes a bit more time than a simple group activity, but it includes individual thinking and so leads to greater learning.
Symposium Discussion A discussion in which the topic is broken its various phases. Each part is presented by an expert / person well informed on their particular phase in a brief and consice speech [The group consist of 3-4 members, discuss and plan the outline] Audience direct questions to proper symposium members The leader summarizes
Phillips 66 It’s a spontaneous method Where 6 students view their opinions on a topic For 6 minutes Randomly call any students to share their ideas / solutions
Picture Making A technique to stimulate interest, thinking, and participation by selecting a question/ statement / problem on the topic which suitable to illustrate Instruction must be clear Adequate materials – chart paper, markers How ??? Lecturers divides the group into 4-5 sub-groups Each sub-groups is given a question/ statement / problem to illustrate After complete the picture making, each group shows and explains the picture followed by class discussion
ROUND ROBIN Class is divided into small groups (4 to 6) with one person appointed as the recorder. A question is posed and students are given time to think about answers. After the "think time," members of the team share responses with one another round robin style The recorder writes down the answers of the group members. The person next to the recorder starts and each person in the group in order gives an answer until time is called.
THREE-STEP INTERVIEW Each member of a team chooses another member to be a partner First round, an individuals interview their partners by asking clarifying questions. During the second round, partners reverse the roles For the final round, members share their partner's response with the team.