Welcome back 6 weeks until the summer! AIM: to lay the foundations for the Beliefs in Society topic; to get you thinking sociologically.
Beliefs in Society AQA SPECIFICATION 1 Different theories of ideology, science and religion, including both Christian and non-Christian religious traditions 2 The relationship between religious beliefs and social change and stability 3 Religious organisations, including cults, sects, denominations, churches and New Age movements, and their relationship to religious and spiritual belief and practice 4 The relationship between different social groups and religious/spiritual organisations and movements, beliefs and practices 5 The significance of religion and religiosity in the contemporary world, including the nature and extent of secularisation in a global context
Beliefs in Society This is not R.E!
Sociologists are not interested in whether or not there is a god. Beliefs in Society Sociologists are not interested in whether or not there is a god.
Beliefs in Society We are interested in how individuals, groups and societies behave and organise themselves in accordance with their beliefs.
Beliefs in Society These beliefs are not solely based upon a belief in a god, they could be social, political, spiritual or mystical…
Scientology Atheism Communism Animism humanism Cargo cults Buddhism Paganism Rastafarianism
TODAY: Research preparation (30 mins) Jesus in Siberia!
Part 1: research What attitudes does the class have about ideology, spirituality and religion?
The research A few issues to consider: Should it be anonymous? What sorts of questions are off limit? What is the best method? What is your primary aim? Does it matter that it’s not representative?
Step 1 Work out what research method you are going to use.
Step 2 Choose your interviewee/respondent
The research Some ideas: What are your fundamental beliefs about how humans should behave? Do you belong to any organisations with a clear set of beliefs and values? Are your parents affiliated with any religious organization? Your current religious preference How would you characterize your current beliefs about religion? How would you characterize your former beliefs about religion? How would you characterize your beliefs about the afterlife? Do you think religion is a force for good or bad? Are there any particular religions that you think are dangerous/positive? Do you think that something needs to replace religion? How do you feel about people who practise religion Do you think religion is worthwhile?
Step 3 Think about the sorts of questions you would like to ask.
Step 4 Operationalise your questions
Step 5: homework Type up your questions/prompts/notes
Your personal response Possible sociological responses Text one Issues raised Your personal response Possible sociological responses Jesus in Siberia (Vice)
TODAY: Conduct your research (30 mins) The Westboro Baptist Church
Your personal response Possible sociological responses Text Three Issues raised Your personal response Possible sociological responses The Westboro Baptist Church (Vice)
TODAY: Analyse your research (30 mins)finish for h/w Extreme Pilgrim
Your personal response Possible sociological responses Text Three Issues raised Your personal response Possible sociological responses Extreme Pilgrim (BBC)
Analysis Summarise your findings How do you feel about your results? Are they surprising? Do they challenge/confirm your pre-existing beliefs? How might you extend the research? What issues would you like to explore further?
Analysis 300 – 500 word report. Video Word processed Pictorially Any way you like… I will assess this.
TODAY: Miracles for Sale
Your personal response Possible sociological responses Text two Issues raised Your personal response Possible sociological responses Miracles for Sale (BBC)
TODAY: Present your research Class discussion on some of the issues raised from the research Plenary – answer and discuss the questions
Plenary questions After watching the three documentaries and having listened to the research findings and discussion: Have your opinions changed about beliefs in society? Explain why or why not? Using your tables to help you, what might different sociologists and perspectives state about the research findings and/or the findings from the documentaries? Do any of your experiences relate to any of the issues raised? What are the implications of the research for society?
Links for videos Jesus of Siberia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Cv5hZfOmk Miracles for Sale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuP5uOI7Xwc The Westboro Baptist Church https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMbfQ117Jts Extreme Pilgrims https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLv54SsktIE