Arabian Peninsula Map Items Source: Textbook, p. A 20, p. 81, p. 109, and Internet. Used shared map version of Arabian Peninsula. Mark these cities on the map: Other Items to add to the map: Mecca (with symbol for oasis city} Yemen (with border line and name) Title: “Arabian Peninsula Then and Now” (all capital letters) Medina (with symbol for oasis city} Oman (with border line and name) Riyadh (with legend symbol for capital) Draw a compass. United Arab Emirates (with border line and name) Write the names of these deserts on the map: Draw and label the Tropic of Cancer. Bahrain (with border line and name) Rub Al Khali (with legend symbol for desert) Write the following names around the peninsula: Place name: Iran (Persia) An-Nafud (with legend symbol for desert) Red Sea Last action to do for 5 points and to get credit for the map. Wait for teacher to give you directions for this action: Gulf of Aden Persian Gulf Copy and add map to a shared class folder for grading. Note. If the student wants to add additional items to the map, the guiding principle is that anything added to the map should help the reader of the map to understand it.