Rube Goldberg Complex Machines
1. You must have at least 6 different simple machines in your complex machine. Directions #1
You must tell what the need is for your machine and why you are creating it. #2.
You must draw and label your machine in full and label all the parts (see picture). #3.
You must also include a written summary of how your machine works and be prepared to present your machine to the class next Tuesday. #4
Be creative, have fun, but if you do not do your share of the group work you will receive a 0 for this assignment. Have Fun
Rubric 10 points- research Evidence that research was gathered using appropriate & scientifically focused Rube Goldberg information. 20 points- Design Developed & designed at least 5 steps of energy transfer. Created a design that was complex but achievable. Rubric
20 Creativity Design and construction showed creativity and ingenuity with an attempt to incorporate new original idea, as opposed to simply copying something online. Rubric
20 points Explanation – related to physical science forces and motion. Descriptions of the physics involved in each step of the “machines” design given, using specific vocabulary . Explanation reflects understanding of the laws of physics at play in a simple machine at a 7th grade appropriate level. Rubric
30 drawing Sketch/drawing shows each of the 5 distinct steps in the machine, the direction of motion, and forces(s) utilized in each step, as well as an accurate portrayal of the material used. Drawing reflects an understanding of the laws of physics at play in simple machines. Rubric