Vocabulary Level D Unit 12
For many years, the island was under the autocratic control of a dictator. Adj: absolute in power or authority Syn: domineering, tyrannical Phrase: autocratic control
Even the veteran rescue worker blanched upon seeing the crash site. Verb: to remove the color from; to make or turn pale; to parboil Syn: bleach, wash out Phrase: blanch the beans
Teenagers and adults, northerners and southerners alike, participated in a concerted drive to register new voters. Adj: planned or performed in cooperation with others Syn: cooperative, consolidated Phrase: concerted effort
I enjoy watching the four major tennis tournaments in which brilliant players contend for the “grand slam” titles. Verb: to fight, struggle; to compete; to argue Syn: vie, maintain Phrase: contend for the title
The humane legal code of Hammaurabi, king of Babylonia, was ahead of its time in seeking justice for the weak and oppressed. Adj: kind, merciful Syn: compassionate, kindhearted Phrase: Humane Society
After cleaning the gutters, we moved on to the laborious task of raking and bagging leaves. Adj: not easy, requiring hard work; hardworking Syn: arduous, wearisome Phrase: laborious task
The candidate pledged to shut down any factory or manufacturing plant found to maltreat workers. Verb: to abuse, use roughly or crudely Syn: misuse, harm Phrase: maltreat workers
I need time to ponder all of my options before deciding how to spend the summer. Verb: to consider carefully, reflect on Syn: contemplate Phrase: ponder the possibilities
The underground movement circulated subversive pamphlets that criticized the government. Adj: intended to undermine or overthrow Noun: one who advocates or attempts to undermine a political system Synonym: Undermine Phrase: subversive pamphlets
It’s impossible to have a temperate discussion with a hotheaded person. Adj: mild, moderate Syn: composed, balanced Phrase: temperate climate