Braggs Church of Christ Blessed are the merciful Braggs Church of Christ Spiritual growth, Beatitudes
Blessed Are The Merciful
1. What Mercy Is Not: a. Not justice When we pray to God we ask for mercy and not justice Justice would demand we receive what we deserve Ps. 51:1
1. What Mercy Is Not: b. It is not pity The Good Samaritan pitied the beaten stranger The Priest & Levite probably felt sorrow for him as well Pity might shed tears, but mercy takes action
1. What Mercy Is Not: c. It is not “easy-going” as we might say Some say mercy is overlooking sin and error God does not overlook our sins God is merciful and also just
2. What Mercy Is a. Mercy is to have Christ’s way of looking at men Toward the sinful & suffering Toward the outcasts Jn. 4 –Woman of Samaria
2. What Mercy Is a. Mercy is to have Christ’s way of looking at men Jn. 8 – Woman taken in adultery --- Jesus saw in every person a soul worth saving
2. What Mercy Is a. Mercy is to have Christ’s way of looking at men We must follow Christ’s example in the treatment of enemies Mt. 5:43-44 Lk. 23:34
2. What Mercy Is b. Mercy is to be kind in our judgments of others Mt. 7:1-5
2. What Mercy Is c. It is to carry out the Golden Rule Mt. 7:12
2. What Mercy Is d. It is a quality that cannot he hid We are either merciful or we are not If we are merciful it will show itself in action and deed
3. Why We Should Be Merciful a. Because God was, and is merciful to us Eph. 2:4
3. Why We Should Be Merciful b. We need to be merciful in order to be like Christ Look at Jesus upon the cross He never sinned nor did harm to anyone Lk. 19:10 Lk. 23:34
4. They Shall Obtain Mercy a. From Men Lk. 6:36-38
4. They Shall Obtain Mercy b. From God Js. 2:13
4. They Shall Obtain Mercy We all need mercy. What would we be like without God’s tender mercy? Looking back over our lives we see wasted opportunities and shameful sin
4. They Shall Obtain Mercy God had mercy on us – He pitied us and called us into fellowship with Him We shall need the mercy of God in the hour of death and in the day of judgment.