Playground Renewal Project: Proposed Design, Budget and Timeline January 2013
Goals of this Presentation Review project goals Proposed budget Proposed timeline Anticipated funding Discussion and vote
Playground Renewal Goals Replace lost junior play structure Improve aging soccer and basketball equipment Add shaded seating for quiet play Tree planting Other greening projects: outdoor classrooms, gardens Based on : – results of student and staff surveys – consultations with Evergreen Associates
Planned play structure design Developed based on results of student surveys and voting
P Proposed playground renovation plan: Play structure Improve basketball and soccer equipment Shaded seating: Shaded boulder seating to create outdoor classroom Tables in kindergarten and primary areas Tree planting and other greening projects Native perennial garden Tallgrass meadows (free) Possible renovation of soccer field (investigating shared use/cost with City)
Budget: How does fundraising for Pleasant Park Plays! fit into the Councils activities? Parent Council Fundraising Committee Pleasant Park Plays! Annual Giving Funds raised through school events and initiatives (ie; pizza lunches, Book Sale to fund technology, field trips, equipment, etc....
PROPOSED BUDGET PLAY STRUCTURETotal: $62,600-67,600 Supply and installation of junior play structure $47,600 Preparation of 71 x 39 ft play structure site $15,000-20,000 IMPROVE SOCCER AND BASKETBALL EQUIPMENT Total: $8,000 Additional basketball nets, replace soccer nets, additional soccer balls and basketballs (estimated) Cost could be scaled back (some items already purchased?) SHADED SEATING AND OUTDOOR CLASSROOMSTotal: $17,600 Installation of two outdoor classrooms (primary and kgt yards) and shaded retreat (junior yard) Lower cost alternative: boulder seating in kgt, primary and junior yards (cost $4,000) TREE PLANTING AND PLAYGROUND GREENINGTotal: $7,800 Tree planting/replacement (10 trees)$5,600 Native perennial garden near Growing Up Organic planters$2,200 TOTAL $96, ,000 ONGOING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Seed funds and ongoing capital fund for maintenance of playground $ TBD Improvement of soccer field, shared use and cost with City $50,000
PROPOSED FUNDING AND TIMELINE ITEMFUNDINGTIMELINE Play Structure $62,600-67,600 $2,700 currently in School account $15,400 currently in Council account Anticipated: $5,000 other fundraisers 2013 $8,000 fundraisers $20,000 grants $19,000 donations $70,100 TOTAL Fall 2014 Need funds in place by June 2014 Can be installed in stages if necessary Soccer and Basketball Equipment $8,000 See aboveFall 2014 Shaded Seating and Outdoor Classroom $17,600 Envirofund grant $15,600 (in review) Mulch donated by Ritchie Feed & Seed ($2000 value) Fall 2013 Tree Planting and Perennial Garden $7,800 Envirofund grant $4,000 (in review) Other green grants (up to $20K, to apply) Fall 2013
NAMEAMOUNTNOTES GRANTS: Submitted Envirofund Grant$20,000To fund outdoor classrooms, trees, perennial garden S`Cool Life Fund$3,000To fund play structure GRANTS: Exploring SaputoLarge community-level grants, in partnership with Aladin Childcare and Hawthorne School, to fund play structures; funds shared three ways Mike Weir Foundation COM DEVTo fund play structure Investors GroupTo fund play structure DesJardinsTo fund play structure City of Ottawa$7,500To fund play structure, require $7,500 matching School Board$7,500To fund play structure, require $7,500 matching TD Green FundTo fund tree planting World Wildlife FundTo fund tree planting City of Ottawa School Tree GrantTo fund tree planting PLAYGROUND GRANTS
NAMEAMOUNTNOTES DONATIONS Canterbury Community Association$3,000$1500 per year 2013 and 2014 Alta Vista Community Association$1,000 Community Corporate Donations$15,000To be solicited by Fundraising Committee and / or school families (prospects from school families) Total$19,000 PLAYGROUND DONATIONS
For Discussion and Vote: 1.Project goals: play structure, basketball and soccer equipment, outdoor classrooms, tree planting and perennial garden 2.Budget: $100K overall, $65K to play structure 3.Timeline: play structure, basketball and soccer – Fall 2014; outdoor classrooms, tree planting, garden – Fall Commitment of funds: all funds in playground account to be spent on project as defined and approved 5.Leveraging of funds in grant budgets: funds in playground account may be stated in grant budgets; total commitments not to exceed amount in account 6.Other: Should we explore renovation of the soccer pitch (fundraising independent of project defined in #1)?
Fundraising Thermometer Banner to hang outside front door of school 4 x 10 vinyl sign Space at bottom to thank major donors and supporters Cost of $307.79