Narrow Hills Provincial Park
How to Get There!
Zeden Lake 13 non-electric campsites 13 non-electric campsites Boat dock and launch Boat dock and launch Stocked for fishing Stocked for fishing
St. John Bosco Wilderness Camp On the shores of both Zeden and Ispuchaw Lakes On the shores of both Zeden and Ispuchaw Lakes Wilderness camp for ages 8-17 Wilderness camp for ages 8-17 Offers school groups/group programing in May and June Offers school groups/group programing in May and June
Ispuchaw Lake Walleye and pike fishing Walleye and pike fishing 5 non-electrical sites 5 non-electrical sites Boat launch with no dock Boat launch with no dock
Lower Fishing Lake Electrical, non-electrical and tenting sites Electrical, non-electrical and tenting sites Store with gas station Store with gas station Boat launches and boat docks available Boat launches and boat docks available
Old Ranger Station and Fire Tower Old Ranger station which has been converted into a museum Old Ranger station which has been converted into a museum The fire tower is still in use today The fire tower is still in use today
Narrow Hills Scenic Drive Follows a push moraine created 10,000 years ago Follows a push moraine created 10,000 years ago Used as a snowmobile trail in the winter Used as a snowmobile trail in the winter No camping No camping Geocaching Grace Lakes
Caribou Creek Lodge 72 km North of Smeaton on Highway km North of Smeaton on Highway 106 Ice cream, gas, restaurant, cabins and motel Ice cream, gas, restaurant, cabins and motel On the shore of Upper Fishing Lake and Caribou Creek On the shore of Upper Fishing Lake and Caribou Creek
Upper Fishing Lake Walleye and Pike Walleye and Pike Boat launch Boat launch Camping available at Caribou Creek Lodge Camping available at Caribou Creek Lodge
Stickley and Baldy Lakes Stickley Pike Pike No boat launch No boat launch No camping No campingBaldy Walleye, pike and splake Walleye, pike and splake Boat launch Boat launch 6 non serviced campsites 6 non serviced campsites Stickley
Gem Lakes 5.5 km hiking trail 5.5 km hiking trail 3 rustic campsites 3 rustic campsites 7 separate lakes 7 separate lakes Jade Lake Little Jade Lake
Some of the Wildlife
The End