Lorna Gilmour, ISD Equity and Family Partnership Specialist Gilmourl@Issaquah.wednet.edu (425) 837-7205 Informational Events for All: Family Access Help – September 18 Maywood Middle 6:30 and September 19 IVE 6:30 pm What Every Parent Wants to Know about the ISD – October 3, 2018, IVE at 6:30 pm - Communicating with teachers (Elementary school families) – November 7, 2018, IVE 6:30 pm What Every Parent Wants to Know about the ISD Part 2 – December 5, 2018, IVE, 6:30 pm - Topics will include - Special Services information including 504 and IEPs, role of school counselors, curriculum information and adoption process, district committees (list of committees – opportunities to participate) Welcome to ISD Kindergarten Families (incoming families) – January 30th, 2019 Middle School Information Night – February 27th 2019, 6:30 pm, ISD Administration building The ISD provides several opportunities to help our families better understand schools, communicate with staff and access student information. Please share this information with families as you find out that they are new to the ISD/country and could benefit from these events. Interpreters are available at these events. https://www.issaquah.wednet.edu/family/cultural-and-family-partnerships *Translated documents available
Your IHS Family Partnership Liaison is: Francisca Mejia Campos At IHS on Tuesdays from Noon to 4pm Contact info is: Camposf@issaquah.wednet.edu (425) 837-7141 Puedo hablar español The Family Partnership Liaison role: Introduce, facilitate access and aid in navigation of appropriate school and District resources available to students and their families Work with registrar, school counselor, nurse and admin to connect and support families. Initiate and maintain verbal and written communication as appropriate with families, particularly our culturally and linguistically diverse families and traditionally marginalized groups. Support school in planning Family Partnership Events Serve as a bridge between staff and parents for parents who are transitioning to the district Supports families in teaching how to communicate with school staff for their children's needs at school and in the community Work with school administration and staff (especially the registrar) to support families with school communications such as but not limited to Registration process Family Access Interpreters and language line School activities such as clubs and sports Communications around absences and attendance issues Communication with staff (teachers and administrators) Resources available to families and students (tutoring, meal programs, school supplies) Work with ISF VOICE mentors in matching and supporting parents and students Support family outreach events such as curriculum night, literacy family nights Send information via Blackboard, robo calls in Mandarin and Spanish (Wenli Mithal – Mandarin speaker, Francisca – Spanish speaker)