USACE infrastructure team update U.S. Army Corps of Engineers October 2018
ADMINISTRATION’S Infrastructure Initiative BACKGROUND Administration’s goal: seek and secure long-term reforms on how infrastructure projects are regulated, funded, delivered, and maintained. President has proposed a $200B federal commitment to produce a $1.5T overall investment in infrastructure. The infrastructure legislative principles were publicly released on 12 February 2018 and can be found here: content/uploads/2018/02/INFRASTRUCTUR E-211.pdf. The Administration has also asked agencies to improve infrastructure delivery by pursuing changes that do not require legislation.
Administration's Infrastructure Initiative USACE ROLE Working with the Administration on efforts to streamline permitting and accelerate infrastructure project delivery. We support innovative approaches to finance our Nation’s infrastructure needs. The traditional federal funding approach is not sustainable – at current funding levels, it would take over 100 years to complete currently authorized Civil Works projects. USACE focus areas within the Administration’s Legislative Principles: Transform Project Financing and Budgeting Accelerate Project Delivery Improve Permitting and Regulatory Reform
USACE Infrastructure Initiative Transform Project Financing and Budgeting Problems Areas: Insufficient funding for the Nation’s infrastructure needs Unpredictable funding for federal projects Actions: Alternative Financing Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Loans Public-Private Partnership (P3) policy Restructure Civil Works Budgeting – reviewing internal budget policies and processes to provide a more consistent and predictable funding stream Increase Funding Flexibility – improve the ability to use and move federal and non-federal funds to ensure timely project completion
USACE Infrastructure Initiative ACCELERATE PROJECT DELIVERY Problems to Address: Projects take too long States and local entities want to be more involved Actions: Boost enterprise project delivery strategies – set aggressive delivery targets and timelines; drive Project Delivery Business Process standards Streamline acquisition processes – expedite acquisition in all phases; implement incentives; encourage innovation and risk-based approach Implement risk-informed decision-making and delegate decision authority – assess and manage risks and uncertainties at all levels of the agency to speed project delivery Embrace innovation – encourage innovation throughout project acquisition, design and construction to speed delivery
USACE Infrastructure Initiative IMPROVE PERMITTING AND REGULATORY REFORM Problems to Address: Permitting process takes too long Duplicative requirements and oversight Actions: Simplify environmental reviews and permits Implement Executive Order 13807 guidance for “One Federal Decision” Improve efficiency in Section 401/401 permits and Section 408 permissions Streamline Section 408 permissions – refine and limit activities that require review; establish a multi-phase review option Pursue regulatory reform – review the 52 regulations identified in Executive Order 13777; determine need for modification, repeal or replacement