Domino Relations Select two dominoes, use the operation desired, then find an equivalent domino using the same operation. You may also use different operations on the two dominoes. Complete the attached worksheet. + = + 2 5 3 4 ___ + ___ = ___ + ___
Domino Relations ___ + ___ = ___ + ___ ___ + ___ = ___ + ___ Name: _____________________________________ Domino Relations ___ + ___ = ___ + ___ ___ + ___ = ___ + ___ ___ + ___ = ___ - ___ ___ + ___ = ___ - ___ ___ - ___ = ___ + ___ ___ - ___ = ___ + ___
Domino Relations ___ x ___ = ___ x ___ ___ x ___ = ___ x ___ Name: _____________________________________ Domino Relations ___ x ___ = ___ x ___ ___ x ___ = ___ x ___ ___ X ___ = ___ ___ ___ X ___ = ___ ___ ___ ___ = ___ x ___ ___ ___ = ___ x ___
Domino Relations ___ ___ = ___ ___ ___ ___ = ___ ___ ___ ___ = ___ ___ Name: _____________________________________ Domino Relations ___ ___ = ___ ___ ___ ___ = ___ ___ ___ ___ = ___ ___ ___ ___ = ___ ___ ___ ___ = ___ ___ ___ ___ = ___ ___