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Sunday AM Sunday PM Wednesday Serving Sunday AM Sunday PM Wednesday Usher Opening Prayer Opening/Head Communion Song Leader Announcement Adult Class Invitation
Hebrews 13:15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer The sacrifice of praise to God, That is, the fruit of our lips, Giving thanks to His name. Hymns Invitation 000 -
Don’t Trust Me! Not many lessons begin with this admonition: Do not trust me. Meaning, don’t take my word for anything you heard from my lips.
I Kings 13 What motivated the Older Man of God? Who paid the price for deception? What is the logical conclusion? I King 17 tells the story of two prophets of God. We see that the younger was deceived by the older. Maybe we can guess at the motivation of the older; it was not malice or spite, but perhaps a genuine desire to give him rest. But the younger prophet was destroyed for listening. We must conclude: despite the best intentions of some, they can mislead us. We will pay the price. Therefore, we must not be deceived.
Acts 17 Was it because Paul was not trustworthy? And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 1 Corinthians 2:4 Acts 17 tells us about the Bereans. They were called noble minded for their mind of not taking Paul at face value nor by discounting what he said either. Was it because Paul was not trustworthy? He tells us that he preached with power, so that cannot be it. We should presume that it was because Paul was claiming to speak for God, and the Bereans understood that they needed to examine his words.
Mandatory Testing You must test the Spirits I John 4:1-3 You must test your teachers Revelation 2:2 You must test Yourselves II Corinthians 13:5 Mandatory testing we must go through – three things we must put to the test and not trust on the basis of their own merit.
Conclusions Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
What Must I Do to be Saved? Hear the Word of God - Romans 10:17 Believe in God - Romans 10:10 Confess Christ as Lord - Romans 10:9 Repent from sin - Acts 2:38 Be Baptized into Christ - Galatians 3:27